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Corporate strategies and reports

ANZSOG Strategy 2023-24

Our Strategy 2023-24 vision is to support and develop a trusted and capable public sector that works with elected governments to deliver public value and improve citizen and community outcomes.

Our key strategic priorities for 2023-24 are to:

  • Build public value through building public sector capability
  • Deliver excellence in learning and teaching
  • Focus on member needs
  • Embed First Nations perspectives
  • Unify practitioners and academics in support of public value

ANZSOG’s core offerings are more relevant now than ever, and we are working to update what we do to respond to rapid social, institutional and political change.

This strategic summary outlines the direction that ANZSOG is taking in 2023-24 to ensure that all our offerings continue to meet the needs of our owner governments and partner universities, and that we can continue our purpose of using education, research and advice to develop the capability of the public sector to lead and manage for public value.

ANZSOG Strategy 2023-24

ANZSOG’s Independent Academic Review of the King’s College London Postgraduate Learning Offer (KCL PGL2)

This report was commissioned to provide an independent and expert review of the King’s College London Postgraduate Learning Offer (KCL PGL2) in public policy, that was commissioned by the Policy Profession Unit (PPU) of the UK Civil Service in 2019.

This review is an academic program review which focuses on the quality and academic rigour of the program, as well as the alignment and relevance of the learning experience to the contemporary demands and skills development required by professional policy practitioners at level 2 of the Policy Profession Standards.

The Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) was approached to undertake the independent review because of its expertise and experience in providing executive and postgraduate education programs for civil servants across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

Download report

ANZSOG Impact Report

In 2019, ANZSOG replaced its Annual Report with a more concise and easy-to-read Impact Snapshot that covers a selection of our diverse activities. Our latest Impact Snapshot covers 2022 including our return to face-to-face teaching, international visits, Research Model projects and work with Regulators and First Nations. Download the 2022 report below.

Download the Impact Snapshot 2022 PDF

Download the Impact Snapshot 2022 (accessible version)


Past reports

Download the Impact Snapshot 2021 PDF

Download the Impact Snapshot 2021 (accessible version)

Impact Snapshot July-Dec 2020 ‘Adapting to Disrupted Times’ (accessible version)

Impact Snapshot 2019-2020(accessible version)

Impact Snapshot 2018-2019 (accessible version)

Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) Annual Reports

The EMPA Annual Academic Governance Report provides ANZSOG’s conferring university partners and government stakeholders an annual update on the main highlights, developments, and outcomes of the Executive Master of Public Administration’s delivery in the preceding academic year. The report serves as a public record of ANZSOG’s governance and quality assurance approach to managing and delivering the internationally recognised EMPA degree to emerging public sector leaders across Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand.

Download the EMPA Annual Report 2024

Past reports

EMPA Annual Report 2023

EMPA Annual Report 2022

EMPA Annual Academic Governance Report 2021 (accessible version)

EMPA Annual Academic Governance Report 2020 (accessible version)

Executive Master of Public Administration Academic Program Review 2021

The Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) underwent a comprehensive Academic Program Review (APR) in 2021. The Review was undertaken by an independent Review Panel of scholars and expert practitioners. These included globally recognised academics from leading schools of public administration and policy, and senior public sector leaders from a range of jurisdictions, including EMPA alumni and a current EMPA student. The Panel was chaired by Professor Richard Eccleston, Director of the Tasmanian Policy Exchange and Professor of Political Science at the University of Tasmania.

In reviewing the EMPA, the Panel was guided by Terms of Reference addressing the following: 1) Program Quality; 2) Strategic Alignment and Value; and 3) Sustainability. A range of data collection activities was undertaken including surveys of students and alumni, and consultations with university partners and public sector agencies. The Panel concluded that the EMPA is a high quality academic program delivering significant value to students, university partners and public sector agencies. It also endorsed ANZSOG’s recent work to ensure the program is fully compliant and aligned with the Australian Higher Education Standards Framework and the equivalent standards in Aotearoa-New Zealand. The Panel made recommendations for strengthening relationships with key stakeholders and ensuring the sustainability of the EMPA into the future.

The APR Summary Report, as well as the Part One (Quality), Part Two (Strategic Alignment and Value), and Part Three (Sustainability) reports are available for download.

Download the EMPA Academic Program Review Report 2021 (Part One) (accessible version)

Download the EMPA Academic Program Review Report 2021 (Part Two) (accessible version)

Download the EMPA Academic Program Review Report 2021 (Part Three) (accessible version)

Download the EMPA Academic Program Review Report 2021 (Summary) (accessible version)

Audited Financial Reports

ANZSOG is committed to financial disclosure and is regularly audited by independent auditors. The most recent consolidated general purpose financial report, covering the 18 months to December 31, 2022 is below.

Download 2022 report (PDF)

Download 2021 report (PDF)

First Peoples Strategy

Indigenous models of governance and political organisation are some of the oldest and longest continuing in the world and are a foundation for our understanding of distinctly Australian and Aotearoa-New Zealand governance models. Developing a First Peoples strategy recognises the impact of colonisation on Indigenous peoples, and the long history of government policies and actions that have disadvantaged and discriminated against First Peoples in both Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand. ANZSOG’s Strategy 2025 commits to “working with communities across Australia and New Zealand to promote and prioritise the perspectives and contributions of First Peoples”. The ANZSOG First Peoples Strategy builds on this commitment.

ANZSOG First Peoples Strategy

(accessible version)

Annual Reports

ANZSOG’s Annual Reports are published as a record of activities and impact over the past financial year. The Report also lists priorities for the next financial year. We continue to build our capacity as a leader in the delivery of quality public sector focused education and research across Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand.

Annual Report 2017 – 18

‘The rapid changes the public sector is undergoing makes it even more important that we focus on our core values. We want to ensure that ANZSOG equips public sector leaders with skills that will be valuable right through their careers.’ – Professor Ken Smith, Chief Executive Officer and Dean, ANZSOG.

The Annual Report for 2017-18 outlines ANZSOG’s continuing success in delivering quality courses for the public sector. The publication also looks the changes ANZSOG is making to its core offerings, to meet the challenges of a modern public sector.

Annual Report 2017-18


Past reports

ANZSOG Annual Report 2016-17 (PDF)

ANZSOG Annual Report 2015-16 (PDF)

ANZSOG Annual Report 2014-15 (PDF)

ANZSOG Annual Report 2013-14 (PDF)

ANZSOG Annual Report 2012-13 (PDF)

ANZSOG Annual Report 2011-12 (PDF)

EMPA Annual Academic Governance Past Reports

The ANZSOG EMPA Quality Assurance Report provides government owners and ANZSOG’s conferring university partners for the Executive Master of Public Administration an annual assessment of the administration and academic quality of the core program of the degree. It supports university partners in evidencing program alignment to national higher education standards frameworks in Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand.

ANZSOG EMPA Report 2020

(accessible version)

Inquiry submissions 

ANZSOG contributes to debate about the role of the public sector by making submissions to relevant inquiries.

ANZSOG submission to the review of the Australian Public Service

In May 2018, the Commonwealth Government set up a wide-ranging independent review into the future of the Australian Public Service, chaired by former Telstra CEO David Thodey. ANZSOG’s submission outlines its views on the current and future challenges facing the APS and identifies nine priority areas for the review to consider.

ANZSOG submission to the APS Review

‘Reform of the [New Zealand] State Sector Act 1988: Directions and options for change discussion document’

ANZSOG provided a submission in response to the Reform of the State Sector Act. ANZSOG’s submission noted that there have been several major reforms of the Aotearoa-New Zealand public service in the last 30 years and that there was a need to review these changes and use the lessons learned to inform development of new proposals.

ANZSOG submission to the NZ Review of the State Sector Act

Indigenous values for the APS

This paper explores how the APS could change the Public Service Act 1999 to incorporate First Peoples knowledge and approaches into the core values and ways of working of the federal public service. It recommends working with Indigenous communities to create a formal acknowledgement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Act and to better recognise Indigenous approaches to governance through changes to the APS values.

Indigenous values for the APS

Accessible version