Fundamentals of regulatory design
1 hour
27 October 2020
Professor Malcolm Sparrow’s new book on Fundamentals of regulatory design is designed to aid regulators around the world navigate through the array of choices they face when they (re)design their strategies and structures, programs, workflows, relationships and day-to-day operations. The book and its associated diagnostic exercises are intended to help overcome our COVID-19-induced distance from Professor Sparrow himself, a legendary regulatory thinker, writer and educator who has inspired and influenced countless regulators in Australia and New Zealand, and whose workshop alumni formed the nucleus of what is now the ANZSOG/National Regulators Community of Practice. Come along for this opportunity to hear and engage with Professor Sparrow as he demystifies the various prescriptions for regulatory conduct, clarifies your options, and generates usable ideas about what it might mean to be a ‘risk based regulator.’
- Facilitator: Rose Webb
- Speaker: Professor Malcolm Sparrow (Introduction to Fundamentals of Regulator Design)