Reimagining Public Administration
First Peoples, governance and new paradigms
Federation Square, Melbourne
2 days
20 February 2019 - 21 February 2019
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The Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) with the support of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) held its second Indigenous Affairs conference, Reimagining Public Administration: First Peoples, governance and new paradigms at Melbourne’s Federation Square on 20-21 February 2019.
The #FirstPeoples2019 conference was an opportunity for public sector leaders, not-for-profits, academics and Indigenous community organisations from across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand to explore new approaches to Indigenous Affairs. A number of plenaries, parallel sessions and keynote speakers, challenged delegates to reimagine public sector leadership, government-community relationships, and policymaking.
For any enquiries about the 2019 Indigenous conference, please contact Jacqui Mazibrada, Conference Coordinator, at: j.mazibrada@anzsog.edu.au.
- Conference hashtag: #FirstPeoples2019
- Follow ANZSOG on Twitter: @ANZSOG
- Follow DPM&C on Twitter: @pmc_gov_au
- Subscribe to Indigenous News – ANZSOG’s newsletter for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori
Sponsored by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
This year we will recognise Indigenous leadership in the public purpose sector with two excellence awards. They will be awarded for video entries showcasing an initiative, policy, program or personal story that demonstrates Indigenous strength and leadership in public administration in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
All jurisdictions across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand are invited to submit a three-minute video, which will be judged by a panel, and premiered at the conference dinner to an audience of hundreds of Indigenous public sector and community leaders.
The two winners of the competition will receive AUD$5,000 each to be donated to a community, organisation or initiative of their choice. We encourage all entrants and those featured in the video to attend the conference, and we will be providing the two award winners with financial assistance for up to three people to attend the conference for free.
The videos will form a pivotal component of another new ANZSOG initiative designed to feature content produced directly by and with Indigenous peoples. The Indigenous Wise Practice stream, which will become a part of our renowned Case Library, will showcase strengths-based Indigenous initiatives and Indigenous leadership. These cases will bring the wise, resilient and innovative ideas and practices of Indigenous peoples to centre-stage. Cases will be available as an online resource for practitioners and scholars for use in public administration teaching and practice.
Submissions deadline: 31 January 2019. Entrants must be from a public sector or not-for-profit organisation in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand. There is no restriction on size or scope of the organisation. The team submitting the video should include members of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or Māori heritage.
How to enter: Send a three-minute private or password-protected YouTube or Vimeo link to Jacqui Mazibrada at: j.mazibrada@anzsog.edu.au. We would prefer the videos to be premiered at the ANZSOG Indigenous Affairs conference. Include a brief cover letter detailing who is responsible for the initiative depicted in the video, what it is, why it is important, and contact details. The video should showcase an initiative, policy, program or personal story that demonstrates Indigenous strength and leadership in public administration in your jurisdiction or community. We encourage participants to feature Indigenous languages in their videos, and can make arrangement for English subtitling.
Purpose: Every submission will be featured in the new Indigenous Wise Practice stream of ANZSOG’s Case Library. The materials are intended for use as teaching and learning resources only. By submitting your video, you are granting ANZSOG a non-exclusive licence to copy or reproduce materials in its Case Library, website and marketing materials, including social media. ANZSOG respects the rights of Indigenous peoples to protect and control the use of their knowledge, images and stories, and will work with Entrants to ensure the use and reproduction of submissions is appropriate.
Indigenous Affairs and Public Administration: Can’t we do better?
At the 2017 conference, held at the University of Sydney, ANZSOG with the key support of PM&C looked back over the 50 years of public administration of Indigenous affairs since the 1967 referendum and asked the question, Can’t we do better?
The 2019 Conference provides an opportunity to rethink assumptions about Indigenous Affairs and the public service to ensure a better system for the next 50 years and beyond. It is a chance to reimagine policy, procedures and relationships, with a focus on what success looks like in Indigenous Affairs in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
Conference information
The Reimagining Public Administration: First Peoples, governance and new paradigms conference is an opportunity to rethink assumptions about Indigenous Affairs and the public service. Current systems are hierarchical, reductionist and self-perpetuating. So how can effective and sustained changes be made to these systems to benefit First Peoples and reflect Indigenous ways of being?
This conference is a chance to reimagine policy, procedures and relationships, with a focus on what success looks like in Indigenous Affairs in Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand. ANZSOG invites Conference Delegates to come prepared to engage in critical discussions, as well as take away tangible ideas and actions, in order to build an effective reimagined public service that delivers for Indigenous peoples and communities.
Plenary sessions will challenge and inspire Delegates with high-level discussions around governance and new paradigms.
Twelve parallel sessions will provide opportunities to hear a variety of case-studies, explore solutions and undertake deep-dive discussions. These sessions will be streamed along the following themes:
Reimagining leadership | |
Reimagining relationships | |
Reimagining service systems | |
Reimagining knowledge systems |
Speakers from the United States, New Zealand and across Australia, will share their knowledge and expertise. The list of currently confirmed speakers is available on the conference speakers page.
Please note: The Conference program is in development and program titles are subject to change. We will share the final program on this page soon.
8.00-9.00am | Registrations open
Arrival tea and coffee |
9.00-9.30am | Welcome to Country and cultural opening
MC: Karla Grant Welcome to Country by Wurundjeri Elder Aunty Di Kerr |
9.30-10.00am | Opening remarks
Facilitator: Karla Grant Speakers: Craig Ritchie, Leilani Bin-Juda PSM, Michelle Hippolite |
10.00-11.00am | Plenary: Self-governing not governed: empowering Indigenous people and communities
Facilitator: Karla Grant Speaker: Professor Marcia Langton AM |
11.00-11.30am | Morning tea |
11.30am-1.00pm | Plenary: International perspectives on Indigenous affairs
Leila Smith, Dr Karen Diver, Dr Miriam Jorgensen, Associate Professor Morgan Brigg, Lil Anderson |
1.00-2.00pm | Lunch |
2.00-3.30pm | Parallel streams: |
Indigenous leaders in the Public Service
Facilitator: Craig Ritchie Speakers: Michelle Hippolite, Dr Daryn Bean |
Facilitator: Elly Patira Speakers: Jill Gallagher AO, Josh Smith, Peter Douglas |
Health systems free of racism and inequity
Facilitator: Romlie Mokak Speakers: Adrian Carson, Dr Rawiri Jansen, Dr Kalinda Griffiths |
Land, water and environment
Facilitator: Dr Lyndon Ormond-Parker Speakers: Ricky Archer, Fred Hooper, Horiana Irwin-Easthope |
3.30-4.00pm | Afternoon tea |
4.00-5.30pm | Parallel streams: |
Public Service reform
Facilitator: Damien Miller Speakers: Professor Glyn Davis AO, Professor Tom Calma AO, Lil Anderson |
Power sharing between governments and community
Facilitator: Geoff Richardson Speakers: Jason Ardler PSM, Brandi Hudson, Sam Jeffries |
The voice of children
Facilitator: Belinda Duarte Speakers: Hoani Lambert, Mick Gooda |
The politics of data:
Facilitator: Michelle Deshong Speakers: Professor Maggie Walter, Professor Ian Anderson AO, Associate Professor Maui Hudson |
6.30-10.30pm | Conference dinner
Includes cultural entertainment and keynote speaker Adam Goodes |
8.00-9.30am | Cultural tours of Federation Square
Yarning space – coffee and networking These are optional activities |
9.00-9.30am | Arrival tea and coffee |
9.30-11.00am | Plenary: Year of Indigenous languages
Facilitator: Sharon Nelson-Kelly Speakers: Steven Renata, Professor Len Collard, Dr Vicki Couzens |
11.00-11.30am | Morning tea |
11.30-1.00pm | Parallel sessions: |
Lessons from the community: What they want you to know
Facilitator: Dr Karen Diver Speakers: Denise Bowden, Liz Marsden |
A new paradigm for Indigenous-Settler relations
Facilitator: Dr Sana Nakata Speakers: Professor Sarah Maddison |
Culture is education
Facilitator: Paulina Motlop Speakers: Timothy Warwick, Miranda Edwards, Steven Renata |
Arts and culture
Facilitator: Franchesca Cubillo Speakers: Stephen Arnott PSM, Lydia Miller, Linnae Pohatu |
1.00-2.00pm | Lunch |
2.00-3.30pm | Closing/Poroporoaki
Facilitator: Karla Grant Speakers: Craig Ritchie, Leilani Bin-Juda, Michelle Hippolite |
3.30pm | Afternoon tea |
Professor Marcia Langton AM, Associate Provost and Foundation Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies at the University of Melbourne
Professor Marcia Langton AM is an anthropologist and geographer, and since 2000 has held the Foundation Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies at the University of Melbourne. Read Prof. Langton’s biography.
Professor Ian Anderson AO, Deputy Secretary for Indigenous Affairs at the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Professor Anderson was previously the Foundation Chair, Indigenous Higher Education; Pro Vice-Chancellor (Engagement) at the University of Melbourne. He was previously the Foundation Chair of Indigenous Health at the University of Melbourne and has held a number of academic, policy and practice roles in Indigenous health over a thirty-year period. Read Prof. Anderson’s biography.
Lil Anderson, Deputy Secretary Crown/ Māori Relations, Ministry of Justice (New Zealand)
Lil has more than 25 years’ experience spanning the public service and wider state sector. Authentic leadership, vision and strategy, problem solving and driving results have been key features of her career to date. Read Lil’s biography.
Ricky Archer, CEO, North Australian Indigenous Land & Sea Management Alliance
Ricky has a strong network of on ground land and sea managers across northern Australia from which to draw from and has demonstrated an ability to connect on-ground work of Indigenous organisations with regional, state and commonwealth priorities. Read Ricky’s biography.
Jason Ardler PSM, Head of Aboriginal Affairs NSW
As Head of Aboriginal Affairs NSW, he is leading Aboriginal affairs strategy and reform across such diverse areas as economic participation, community governance, land rights, culture and heritage, community safety, environmental health and service accountability. Read Jason’s biography.
Dr Stephen Arnott PSM, First Assistant Secretary for the Arts Division, Department of Communications and the Arts
Stephen has 15 years’ experience in the Australian Public Service in arts, screen, creative industries, communications and technology policy areas. He has also worked as a ministerial advisor. Read Dr Arnott’s biography.
Dr Daryn Bean, Deputy Chief Executive Māori, New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZ)
He has extensive public sector experience at the interface of Māori development and brings high level relationship management skills, strategy and leadership development capabilities in the areas of education, international business and community development. Read Dr Bean’s biography.
Leilani Bin-Juda, Torres Strait Treaty Liaison Officer, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
With an extensive career in the Australian Public Service spanning 24 years, Ms Bin-Juda has policy and program experience across international relations, health, fisheries, crime prevention and the arts and cultural industry. Read Leilani’s biography.
Denise Bowden, CEO, Yothu Yindi Foundation
Denise Bowden is a born-and-bred Northern Territory Indigenous woman. She has an extensive knowledge base stemming from her background working in Indigenous affairs in the more remote pockets of Australia’s north. Read Denise’s biography.
Associate Professor Morgan Brigg, School of Political Science and International Studies, The University of Queensland
Associate Professor Brigg is a specialist in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, governance, development and innovative approaches to cross-cultural relations and the politics of knowledge. Read Dr Brigg’s biography.
Professor Tom Calma AO
Professor Calma is an Aboriginal Elder from the Kungarakan tribal group and a member of the Iwaidja tribal group whose traditional lands are south west of Darwin and on the Cobourg Peninsula in the Northern Territory, respectively. Read Professor Calma’s biography.
Adrian Carson, CEO, Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH)
Adrian Carson has over 28 years’ experience working in the Indigenous Health sector, working within government and non-government organisations. As CEO of the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) Ltd, Adrian leads the development and integration of health and wellbeing services to Australia’s largest and fastest growing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in South East Queensland. Read Adrian’s biography.
Professor Len Collard, Australian Research Council, Chief Investigator, School of Indigenous Studies, the University of Western Australia
Len has a background in literature and communications and his research interests are in the area of Aboriginal Studies, including Nyungar interpretive histories and Nyungar theoretical and practical research models. Read Professor Collard’s biography.
Franchesca Cubillo, Senior Curator Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art, National Gallery of Australia
Franchesca has worked in the museum and art gallery sector for the last 30 years. She was employed in several state and national institutions throughout Australia, including the South Australia Museum, the National Museum of Australia, and the Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory and more recently the National Gallery of Australia. Read Franchesca’s biography.
Professor Glyn Davis AC, Chair, ANZSOG Research Committee; Distinguished Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University; CEO, Paul Ramsay Foundation
Professor Davis teaches and researches in the field of public policy. Professor Davis has had a distinguished career in higher education as Vice-Chancellor of Griffith University and the University of Melbourne. Read Prof. Davis’ biography.
Michelle Deshong, CEO, Australian Indigenous Governance Institute
Michelle has completed a BA with First Class Honours in Political Science and Indigenous studies and is working on her PhD (on the participation of Aboriginal women in public and political life) at James Cook University. Read Michelle’s biography.
Dr Karen Diver, inaugural Faculty Fellow for Inclusive Excellence for Native American Affairs at the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minnesota; former Special Assistant for Native-American Affairs during the Obama Administration
She has a Bachelors in Economics from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, and as a 2002 Bush Leadership Fellow, she received a Masters in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Read Dr Diver’s biography.
Peter Douglas, Policy Advisor, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (New Zealand)
Peter Te Matakahere Douglas has worked in government, including at the highest levels in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. For more than twelve years he ran Te Ohu Kaimoana Trustee Ltd – the Maori Fisheries Trust, which achieved outstanding settlement results. Read Peter’s biography.
Miranda Edwards, CEO, Lullas Children and Family Centre
Miranda is a Noongar woman from Collie, Western Australia, who has lived in the Victorian town of Shepparton for 13 years. She has been the CEO of Lullas Children and Family Centre for 120 Indigenous children, for the past 11 years and the Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (LAECG) Chair for the Goulburn Valley Area for 5 years. Read Miranda’s biography.
Jill Gallagher AO, Victorian Treaty Advancement Commissioner
A proud Gunditjmara woman, Jill is a highly respected Victorian Aboriginal leader who has dedicated her life to advocating for self-determination outcomes on behalf of the Victorian Aboriginal community. Read Jill’s biography.
Mick Gooda, Royal Commissioner, Royal Commission into the Child Protection and Youth Detention Systems of the Northern Territory
Mick Gooda’s people are the Ghungalu from the Dawson Valley in Central Queensland. He has spent the last 30 years advocating for the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Read Mick’s biography.
Adam Goodes, former AFL footballer, Co-founder, GO Foundation and CEO & Director, Indigenous Defence Consortium (IDC) – Reception plenary speaker
In 2014, Adam was named the Australian of the Year. This distinguished award recognised Adam’s community work and advocacy in the fight against racism, empowering the next generation of Indigenous Australians. Read Adam’s biography.
Karla Grant, Presenter, producer and journalist, SBS
Karla Grant has dedicated a huge part of her career to working in Indigenous news and current affairs, witnessing and reporting on the shifts in policy and attitude towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Read Karla’s biography.
Dr Kalinda Griffiths, Scientia Fellow at the Centre for Big Data Research, University of New South Wales
Kalinda is a Yawuru woman of Broome, born and living in Darwin. Kalinda is an epidemiologist who has worked in the research sector for over 20 years. Her interest is in empirically addressing complex health disparities in populations through existing data. Read Dr Griffiths’ biography.
Michelle Hippolite, Chief Executive, Te Puni Kōkiri (Ministry of Māori Development) (NZ)
Michelle Hippolite from Waikato, Rongowhakaata and Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki is the first female Toihautū (Chief Executive) to lead Te Puni Kōkiri; it’s a position she has held since 2012. Read Michelle’s biography.
Fred Hooper, Chair, Murrawarri Peoples Council and the Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations
Fred has worked tirelessly over the past 10 years to secure Water Rights for First Nations and their peoples in the Northern Murray Darling Basin. Read Fred’s biography.
Brandi Hudson, CEO, Independent Maori Statutory Board
Works alongside the executive leadership of the Auckland Mayoral office and Auckland Council to influence policy, planning and statutory development and implementation that improves the success and wellbeing of Maori. Read Brandi’s biography.
Associate Professor Maui Hudson, Associate Professor, Faculty of Maori and Indigenous Studies, University of Waikato
Maui Hudson affiliates to the Iwi of Te Whakatohea, Nga Ruahine, and Te Mahurehure. is research has an interdisciplinary nature focusing on the application of indigenous knowledge to decision-making across a range of contemporary contexts from new technologies to health, the environment to innovation. Read A/Prof. Hudson’s biography.
Horiana Irwin-Easthope, Managing Director, Whāia Legal (NZ)
Horiana Irwin-Easthope (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu and Rakaipaaka) is a critical legal thinker with a reputation for hard work. Read Horiana’s biography.
Dr Rawiri Jansen, General Practitioner
Formerly a resource teacher of Māori language, Dr Rawiri Jansen completed medical training at Middlemore Hospital in South Auckland in 2000. Dr Jansen’s main focus is providing clinical leadership towards Maori health equity as a General Practitioner and Clinical Director for a Primary Healthcare Organisation. Read Dr Jansen’s biography.
Sam Jeffries, Special Advisor Regional Governance, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Sam has spent practically all his life in north-western NSW, having long term involvement in the development of responsible leadership, community development, and developing regional and community governance models. Read Sam’s biography.
Dr Miriam Jorgensen, Research Director, University of Arizona Native Nations Institute & the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development
Her work in Indigenous governance and economic development—in the US, Canada, and Australia—has addressed issues as wide-ranging as child welfare, policing and justice systems, natural-resource management, cultural stewardship, land ownership, tribal enterprises, housing, and financial education. Read Dr Jorgensen’s biography.
Hoani Lambert, Deputy Chief Executive, Voices of Children, Ministry for Children (NZ)
Hoani Lambert (Ngati Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa) is responsible for advocating for children and young people’s interests across the government system, ensuring their voices are at the centre of government policy, service design and delivery. Read Hoani’s biography.
Dr Sana Nakata, Lecturer in Political Science, ARC Discovery Indigenous Research Fellow (2016-2019) and Co-Director of the Indigenous-Settler Relations Collaboration, the University of Melbourne
Trained as a lawyer and political theorist, her research is centred upon developing an approach for thinking politically about childhood in ways that improve the capacity of adult decision-makers to act in their interests. Read Dr Nakata’s biography.
Sharon Nelson-Kelly, Senior Advisor, First Peoples Programs and Strategy, ANZSOG
Sharon is NZ Māori – Rongomaiwahine ki Kahungungu from Pakipaki, Hawkes Bay. She has been living in Australia for the past 12 years, and has comprehensive operational and strategic experience working in human services in the government sector over a 25 year period in New Zealand, ACT and VIC. Read Sharon’s biography.
Professor Sarah Maddison, Professor and Co-Director of the Indigenous-Settler Relations Collaboration, the University of Melbourne
Sarah’s areas of research expertise include reconciliation and conflict transformation, Indigenous political culture, and social movements. Read Professor Maddison’s biography.
Liz Marsden, General Manager, Ngāpuhi Iwi Social Services (a subsidiary of Te Runanga a Iwi o Ngāpuhi) (NZ)
Liz has more than 30 years experience working within the social services sectors both in government and non-government agencies. Read Liz’s biography.
Damien Miller, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Soft Power, Partnerships and Research
Mr Miller previously served overseas as Australia’s Ambassador to Denmark, Norway and Iceland (2013-2017); Deputy Ambassador to Germany (2010-2013) and at the Australian High Commission in Malaysia (2000-2003). He joined the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in 1995. Read Damien’s biography.
Lydia Miller, Executive Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts, Australia Council for the Arts
A Kuku Yalanji woman from Far North Queensland, Ms Miller has a wealth of experience in the arts and cultural sector spanning some 30 years as a performer, artistic director, producer, administrator, senior executive and advocate. Read Lydia’s biography.
Romlie Mokak, CEO, The Lowitja Institute
Romlie has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Lowitja Institute, Australia’s national institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research since 2014. Under his leadership, the Institute is transforming into a leading research and policy impact organisation in Australia, while extending its global networks and partnerships. Read Romlie’s biography.
Paulina Motlop, Director, Aboriginal Education Teaching and Learning, the Department of Education (WA)
Paulina has a wealth of experience in education, including as a teacher and academic tutor in Western Australia, and as a teacher and school leader in the Northern Territory. Read Paulina’s biography.
Dr Lyndon Ormond-Parker, ARC Research Fellow, Indigenous Studies Unit, University of Melbourne
Lyndon has been involved in advocacy, policy development, research and negotiations at the local, national and international level focused on Indigenous communities in the area of information technology, cultural heritage, materials conservation and repatriation. Read Dr Ormond-Parker’s biography.
Elly Patira, Aboriginal Affairs Policy, Department of Premier and Cabinet (VIC)
Elly is an indigenous woman with links to Gunai and Ngapuhi country. She is a lawyer and policy advisor with broad experience across constitutional, indigenous and minority rights law and policy, both domestically and internationally. Read Elly’s biography.
Linnae Pohatu, Tumuaki Director Māori and Pacific Development, Tamaki Paenga Hira Auckland War Memorial Museum (NZ)
Linnae started at Auckland Museum in 2012. Her role is designed to enhance the Museum’s relationship with Māori and Pacific, embed the Museum’s Māori and Pacific strategies across Auckland Museum. Linnae co-leads Auckland Museum’s Human Remains Repatriation Programme. Read Linnae’s biography.
Steven Renata, CEO, KIWA Digital (NZ)
KIWA Digital is a Māori owned and operated digital technology business working in the intersection between language and technology for more than 15 years. Read Steven’s biography.
Geoff Richardson, Executive, First Nations Development Services
Geoff is a descendant of the Miriam people of Murray Island (Mer) in the Torres Strait and the Kuku Yalanji/Tjapukai peoples of Cairns and lower Cape York Peninsula, North Queensland. Read Geoff’s biography.
Craig Ritchie, CEO, The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
Craig is one of growing cohort of senior Indigenous public servants who provide significant leadership in the broader whole-of-government Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs, particularly as a member of the APS Indigenous SES Network. Read Craig’s biography.
Josh Smith, Executive Director, Aboriginal Victoria
After practising law as a solicitor for the NSW Crown Solicitors Office and at the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, Josh has held executive positions within the Victorian public service across family violence, health and human services portfolios. Read Josh’s biography.
Leila Smith, Deputy CEO, Aurora Education Foundation
Prior to the Aurora Education Foundation, Leila was the Knowledge Translation Manager at the Lowitja Institute, and a Senior Management Consultant at Nous Group.Read Leila’s biography.
Maggie Walter, Professor of Sociology and Pro Vice-Chancellor of Aboriginal Research and Leadership at the University of Tasmania.
Maggie Walter (PhD) is palawa, descending from the pairrebenne people of North Eastern Tasmania and a member of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Briggs family. Read Maggie’s biography.

ANZSOG commissioned an artwork from local Indigenous painter Emma Bamblett for the conference. A proud Wemba Wemba woman, born and raised in Echuca on the Murray River, Emma has found inspiration and motivation from the arts community in Melbourne as well as working in the Aboriginal child and family welfare sector. “Journey” represents coming together, journey and connection – all tenets behind Reimagining Public Administration.
Most of Emma’s artwork is deeply personal, representing the stories and struggles for vulnerable children, youth and families through whom she meets in her occupation. Emma prefers to paint with bright and vibrant acrylic colours in her artwork, as she hopes people see and feel what she is feeling when they look at her paintings.
“Journey – Where we have been & where we are going”
By Emma Bamblett
A commissioned piece for ANZSOG’s Reimagining Public Administration: First Peoples, governance and new paradigms conference 2019.
About the artwork, in Emma’s own words:
“ANZSOG’s Reimagining Public Administration: First Peoples, governance and new paradigms conference is about looking to the future of Indigenous affairs while ensuring we learn from the lessons of the past.
I had this in mind when creating ‘Journey’ – the painting is a representation of where we have been and where we are going.
You will see bright colours of red and yellow in the rivers, with continuous lines to represent the rivers which surround the area where the conference is held.
The footsteps in the top left corner represent the role of ANZSOG in providing leadership, support and guidance to those working in the public sector.
The brown areas with the yellow hills represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the dots in the middle of the circles represent their skin colour and the red represents the earth, while the green area with the hills and grey circles represent Māori -the First Peoples of New Zealand.
The hills signify the importance of land and country and the importance of connection.
I think there is great value in communities coming together and networking, and I’ve illustrated this with grey circles, which also represent relationships that form and are constantly growing.
The blue round shapes connecting with the lines represent the support and leadership that ANZSOG provide to the public sector. The dots within those circles represent the connection that people have across the various agencies, universities and sectors in Australia and New Zealand.
The red circles connected by lines flowing through the middle of the painting represent the significant events over the past 50 years in public administration of Indigenous affairs since the 1967 referendum. It is also representing moving and looking forward to the next 50 years.
All the elements in this painting represent coming together, journey and connection. I believe these are elements which are representative of ANZSOG’s mission to support and provide leadership to the public sector and provide effective outcomes for our community, as well as the overall goal of the Reimagining Public Administration: First Peoples, governance and new paradigms conference.”
Contact Emma via her Facebook page.
Post-conference resources
The Reimagining Public Administration: First Peoples, governance and new paradigms conference was held on the 20-21 February 2019. We thank all delegates, speakers and sponsors for their attendance and support. You can view photos and videos from the conference below.
View the below videos in the YouTube conference playlist.
Showcasing Indigenous Strength and Leadership in Public Administration winners (sponsored by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand): Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation (Australia)
Showcasing Indigenous Strength and Leadership in Public Administration winners (sponsored by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand): Ngāpuhi Iwi Social Services (NZ)
Culture Evolves dance performance
Leilani Bin-Juda PSM: Opening remarks
Craig Ritchie: Opening remarks
Michelle Hippolite: Opening remarks
Professor Marcia Langton AM: Self-governing not governed: empowering Indigenous people and communities
Lil Anderson: International perspectives on Indigenous affairs
Dr Karen Diver: International perspectives on Indigenous affairs
Dr Miriam Jorgensen: International perspectives on Indigenous affairs
Associate Professor Morgan Brigg: International perspectives on Indigenous affairs
Adam Goodes: Reception speech (snippet)
Facebook Live: Adam Goodes reception speech (full)
Sharon Nelson-Kelly: Year of Indigenous languages
Dr Vicki Couzens: Year of Indigenous languages
Professor Len Collard: Year of Indigenous languages
Michelle Hippolite: Closing remarks
Craig Ritchie: Closing remarks
Leilani Bin-Juda: Closing remarks
Ricky Archer – Land, water and environment
Professor Len Collard – Year of Indigenous languages
Dr Kalinda Griffiths – Health systems free of racism and inequity
Miranda Edwards and Tim Warwick – Culture is education
Brandi Hudson – Power sharing between governments and community
Associate Professor Maui Hudson – The politics of data
Dr Rawiri Jansen – Health systems free of racism and inequity
Hoani Lambert – The voice of children
Dr Sana Nakata and Professor Sarah Maddison – A new paradigm for Indigenous-settler relations
Steven Renata – Year of Indigenous languages and Culture is education (Dropbox link)
View a collection of tweets from the conference.