Dr Janine Mohamed
Lowitja Institute
Faculty: Expert contributors
South Australia, Australia

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Directory update requestDr Janine Mohamed is a proud Narrunga Kaurna woman from South Australia. Over two decades, she has worked in nursing, management, project management, research, workforce and health policy in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health sector, including as CEO at the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM).
Janine is currently the CEO of the Lowitja Institute – Australia’s National Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research. She was awarded an Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity Fellowship in 2019, a Doctorate of Nursing honoris causa by Edtih Cowan University in 2020 and in 2021, a Distinguished Fellowship with The George Institute for Global Health Australia. She is a regular spokesperson on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health issues, including racism, cultural safety, climate change, the social and cultural determinants of health, workforce and Indigenous data sovereignty.