Associate Professor Maui Hudson
Associate Professor
University of Waikato
Faculty of Maori and Indigenous Studies
Faculty: Expert contributors
New Zealand

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Directory update requestMaui Hudson affiliates to the Iwi of Te Whakatohea, Nga Ruahine, and Te Mahurehure. Maui is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Maori and Indigenous Studies at the University of Waikato. His research has an interdisciplinary nature focusing on the application of indigenous knowledge to decision-making across a range of contemporary contexts from new technologies to health, the environment to innovation. He is part of the Senior Leadership Team for Genomics Aotearoa and is part of a proposal to develop a Data Science Strategic Infrastructure Platform.
AProf Hudson is one of the founding members of the ‘Te Mana Raraunga Māori Data Sovereignty Network’ and is working closely with International colleagues to advance the understanding of Indigenous Data Sovereignty. He works with government agencies, institutions and tribal organisations to enhance Indigenous Data Governance and develop policies, tools and mechanisms that operationalize Indigenous Data Sovereignty. He has contributed to an expert panel for the recent revision of the International Open Data Charter and was also part of the Research Data Alliance IDS interest group that is drafting CARE principles for Indigenous Data Governance.