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Alumni Jurisdiction Chapters

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ANZSOG seeks to re-launch and support alumni chapters to create local engagement opportunities including professional development, networking, mentoring and more in jurisdictions across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.  

Alumni chapters will be managed by a committee of dedicated volunteers to provide opportunities for members to stay connected to fellow alumni and the ANZSOG community. Chapter members will gain access to special events, a rich community of mentors, and the opportunity to share knowledge and skills at ANZSOG events and activities as guest speakers, providing testimonials, engaging in research and focus groups, etc. 

Alumni Chapter Committee  

If you are passionate about giving back and inspiring others, volunteering as an alumni chapter committee member is an extremely rewarding experience and a fantastic way to build your professional network and contribute to the ANZSOG community. 

To establish an alumni jurisdiction chapter, a group of three or more alumni are required to create a chapter committee. Committees are comprised of alumni volunteers who lead the chapter in creating local engagement opportunities including professional development, networking, mentoring and more for ANZSOG Alumni community in their jurisdictions. They are responsible for:  

  • Designing chapter activities  
  • Recruiting and welcoming new members into the chapter 
  • Providing a point of contact for the ANZSOG Alumni team  
  • Acting as advocates for ANZSOG in your jurisdiction 
  • Providing a pathway for recognition/automatically becoming ANZSOG Alumni Ambassadors in return for your commitment and contribution. 

There is no formal structure for chapter committee and each jurisdictional chapter committee may operate differently. Committee members can co-design their roles and responsibilities within the local network that suit their operating model. One suggestion for committee positions may include:   

  • Chair: Key point of contact for the ANZSOG Alumni team, lead meetings, plan chapter goals/activities.
  • Deputy Chair: Provide general advice and assistance to Chair and act as Chair as/when required.
  • Secretary: Provide administrative support to the chapter, this may include preparing agendas and minutes, coordinating events, maintaining chapter members’ contact details, and transferring data to the ANZSOG Alumni team.
  • Treasurer (optional): manage financial matters such as paying chapter bills as they arise and receiving chapter monies if applicable, manage budgets and reports for chapter events, maintain financial records for the chapter. 

Chapters are encouraged to host regular events that offer members opportunities to network or continue to develop their professional skills.  

Maintain an active Alumni Chapter 

A chapter must stay active to maintain its Alumni Chapter status. To be considered active, chapters must accomplish the following:  

  • Conduct at least four business meetings per year and provide regular updates/submit meeting minutes or reports and lists of updated chapter member contact details to the ANZSOG Alumni team.
  • Hold at least two alumni events of educational and/or social nature per year.
  • Conduct regular elections and EOIs for new members and leadership. 


Alumni chapters are self-funded. We encourage chapters to raise funds through event registration fees, membership, or other activities. These funds can then be invested in future chapter activities.  

Additional support may be available from ANZSOG on a case-by-case basis/subject to a business case being submitted. 

Central Alumni office support

The ANZSOG Alumni team will provide advice, counsel, and resources to Alumni Chapters to help them fulfil their defined role and purpose and achieve their prescribed objectives. This includes providing access to ANZSOG services and staff members and assisting with the coordination of chapter events and communications. The ANZSOG alumni team can assist with: 

  • Centralised communications to chapter members 
  • Promoting chapter events/activities via the ANZSOG website, e-newsletters and social media channels 
  • Updating alumni data and contact details in accordance with ANZSOG’s Information Governance and Privacy Policy 
  • ANZSOG alumni merchandise 
  • Assisting with ANZSOG alumni and other speakers/visiting academics for webinars and events 
  • Advice on event coordination and management 
  • Co-hosting chapter events aligned with ANZSOG events being held in your jurisdiction 

Established Alumni Chapters

Chapter Founding Committee members:

Chapter Founding Committee members:

Chapter Founding Committee members: