Cathy White
Deputy Chief Executive of Business and Workforce
NT Department of Industry Tourism and Trade | EFP 2019 Alumni
NT Alumni Chapter _ Deputy Chair
NT, Australia

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Directory update requestCathy is a multi-faceted executive leader with 30 years’ experience and leadership across industry, workforce and employment sectors. She has a Masters in International Management and a Bachelor of Education and her initial engagement with ANSZOG was through the Executive Fellows Program in 2019. She is an active member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has been a director on a number of boards including;
- Deputy Chair for Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education,
- Convenor and Public Officer of Com Club of NT Regional Heads,
- Chair of the NT Remote Training Employment & Economic Development Working Group and
- Deputy Chair of Melaleuca Australia.
Cathy’s current role is the Deputy Chief Executive of Business and Workforce in the NT Department of Industry Tourism and Trade. This role includes representing Northern Territory interests through the Senior Skills Official Network, on National Skills and Migration Reform and as a member of the Jobs and Skills Australia Advisory Body.
Cathy has particular expertise with the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector, having been involved in the design and review of training packages and the delivery of national change management and research projects. She has experience from Commonwealth and State and Territory government perspectives and is actively involved with the complex ‘Closing the Gap’ reform agendas that are currently in play. She has a strong track record of leading teams and collaborating across government, industry and community to deliver outcomes in challenging and changing environments.
Cathy White is the Deputy Cahir of ANZSOG’s NT Alumni Chapter. To find out more about the Alumni Jurisdiction Chapters, click here.