Penny Langley
Chief Executive |
Mana Kāwanatanga ā Rohe | Local Government Commission |
Founding Chapter Committee member, Aotearoa New Zealand Alumni Chapter | TSL 2022
Nelson , Aotearoa New Zealand

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Directory update requestPenny is currently the Chief Executive of Mana Kāwanatanga ā Rohe Local Government Commission. The Commission is an independent statutory body which promotes good practice in local government and considers representation matters.
Penny has a background in both central and local government, a passion for governance and a belief in the power of communities. She became part of the ANSOG alumni this year after completing the Towards Strategic Leadership programme.
Penny is currently based in Nelson and work, often virtually, with a team of Commissioners and officials who are spread across Aotearoa New Zealand. She values ongoing professional development and look forward to helping build the Aotearoa New Zealand alumni chapter.
Penny graduated from the Towards Strategic Leadership Program in 2022 and is the Founding Committee member of ANZSOG’s Aotearoa New Zealand Alumni Chapter. To find out more about Alumni Chapter click here.