Governance of the National Regulators Community of Practice
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National Steering Committee
The NRCoP is a unified national structure with chapters in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia. The NRCoP also welcomes virtual attendance by Aotearoa New Zealand regulators through its partnership with G-Reg, the Aotearoa New Zealand Government Regulatory Practice Initiative.
As the NRCoP’s auspice, ANZSOG is advised by a National Committee and Chapter Committees, which include regulators from the Australian, state/territory and local governments. The national committee also includes two representatives from G-Reg.
In March 2021 the national committee restructured to reflect its increasing maturity as a national and trans-Tasman community. It now comprises:
Chair NRCoP |
ACT Chapter Chair |
Amanda Grey
NSW Chapter Co Chair |
Matthew Campbell
NSW Chapter Co Chair |
NT Chapter Co Chair |
Duncan Poulson
NT Chapter Co Chair |
QLD Chapter Chair |
Rachel Scalongne
QLD Deputy Chair |
Kerry Leaver
SA Chapter Chair |
Steve Ronson
SA Deputy Chair |
Tas Chapter Co Chair |
Tas Chapter Co Chair |
VIC Chapter Chair |
Doug Young
VIC Deputy Chair |
Adam Beaumont |
Marianne Munro | Kate Maddern | Adam Watson |
WA Chapter Chair |
Dr Ashley Bunce
Director, Regulatory Practice – ANZSOG/NRCOP |
Dr Lorraine Cherney
Deputy Director – ANZSOG/NRCOP |
Shannon Tucker
Senior Engagement Coordinator – ANZSOG/NRCOP |
- Rose Webb, NRCoP Chair
- Derise Cubin, ACT Chapter Chair, Access Canberra
- Amanda Grey, Office of the Work Health and Safety Commissioner
- Roxane Marcelle-Shaw, NSW Chapter Chair, Professional Standards Authority
- Tracy Mackey, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
- Matthew Campbell, Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
- Jarrod Cowley-Grimmond, QLD Chapter Chair, Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water
- Rowena Park, Australian Securities and Investment Commission
- Marianne Munro, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
- Adam Beaumont, With Purpose Consulting
- Adam Watson, WorkSafe Victoria
- Kate Maddern, Victorian Disability Workers Commission
- Matt D’Abbs, VIC Chapter Chair, Environment Protection Authority
- Doug Young, VIC Deputy Chair, Department of Health
- David MacLennan, WA Chapter Chair, CEO City of Vincent
- Alice Turnbull, WA Deputy Chair, National Offshore Petroleum and Environmental Safety Authority
- Lisa Docherty, Director, NZ Government Regulatory Practice Initiative
- Grant Pink, Pracademic Advisor, Recap Consultants
- Veronica Taylor, Academic Advisor, Australian National University
- Guzyal Hill, Academic Adviser -Early Career, Charles Darwin University
- Mitzi Bolton, Academic Adviser – Early Career, Monash University
- David Pryce, Head of Access Canberra (Chapter Sponsor)
- Derise Cubin, Licensing and Registrations, Access Canberra (Chapter Chair)
- Adam Pascoe, Assistant Director Investigations, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
- Amanda Grey, Deputy WHS Commissioner, Office of the Work Health and Safety Commissioner
- Chris Howe, Assistant Director, Australian Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resource
- Giuseppe Mangeruca, A/g Executive Branch Manager, Fair Trading and Regulatory Strategy ACT Government
- Matthew Campbell, Director, Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
- Michael Fritschy, Director, Regulatory Reform Section, Economic Analysis and Regulation Policy Branch, Strategy Division, Strategy and National Resilience Group, Department of Home Affairs
- Paul Baskys, Assistant Director Regulatory Practice, Regulatory Reform Section, Economic Analysis and Regulation Policy Branch, Strategy Division, Strategy and National Resilience Group, Department of Home Affairs
- Sally Gibson, Executive Branch Manager, Quality, Complaints and Regulation; Human Services Registrar at Community Services Directorate
- Sean Sloan, Senior Director Licensing and Compliance, Transport City Services Directorate ACT Government
- Tracey Harkness, Senior Practitioner, Office of the Senior Practitioner, Department of Communities ACT
- Roxane Marcelle-Shaw, CEO, Professional Standards Authority (Chapter Chair)
- Tracy Mackey, Commissioner, NDIS Quality and Safeguards (Deputy Chair)
- Dr Christopher Walker, Academic Director EMPA, ANZSOG
- Elizabeth Tydd, CEO, Information and Privacy Commission NSW
- Jackie Walsh, Manager People and Development, Australian Securities and Investment Commission
- Jane Eldridge, National Manager Notifications, Australian Health Professional Regulation Authority
- Matt Press, Executive Director Compliance & Dispute Resolution, NSW Department of Customer Service
- Matthew Barrett, Director, Performance and Compliance Reviews, State Insurance Regulatory Authority
- Matthew Campbell, A/Assistant Secretary, Audit and Assurance Branch, Department Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
- Dr Petrina Casey, Executive Director, Motor Accidents Insurance Regulation
State Insurance Regulatory Authority
- Sharife Rahmini, Chief Executive Regulation, Coal Mining Industry Long Service Leave Corporation
- Amy Dennison, Executive Director, Department of Parks, Environment and Water Security (Chapter Co Chair)
- Duncan Poulson, Northern Territory Regional Commissioner, ASIC (Chapter Co Chair)
- David Mackie, Department of Justice and Attorney-General (Chapter Sponsor)
- Jarrod Cowley-Grimmond, Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (Chapter Chair)
- Omar Ameer, Queensland Building and Construction Commission
- Rose Bovey, Public Health Regulatory Systems Unit, Queensland Health
- Philip Halton, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
- Erica McLuckie, Department of Education
- Rowena Park, Australian Energy Regulator
- Rachel Scalongne, Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water
- Mark Stone, Resource Safety and Health Queensland
- Victoria Thomson, Department of Justice and Attorney-General
- Caroline Mealor, SafeWork SA (Chapter Sponsor)
- Kerry Leaver, Chief Executive and Registrar, Education Standards Board (Chapter Co-Chair)
- Steve Ronson, Enforcement, Fair Work Ombudsman (Chapter Co-Chair)
- Alexandra Blood, Executive Director, Mineral Resources Division, Department for Energy and Mining
- Donna Barchiesi, Principal Policy Officer, Strategy, Governance and Assurance, Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing
- Joanna Gall, Acting Executive Director, Compliance Operations, Compliance and Enforcement Branch, Australian Energy Regulator
- Kerin Montgomerie, Director Clinical Regulation, Health Protection and Licensing Services, SA Health
- Eunice Chuah, Director – Principal Veterinary Officer, Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (Chapter Co Chair)
- Sam Halliday, Deputy Chief Pharmacist, Department of Health (Chapter Co Chair)
- Davina Gregory-Dunsmuir, A/Manager Threatened Species and Conservation Programs, Resources and Environment Tasmania
- Hayley Perkins, Manager, Policy, Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority
- Jane Hicks, Assistant Director Licensing, Department of State Growth
- Kate Duttmer, Manager, Contaminated Land & Waste Regulation, Environment Protection Authority
- Katharine O’Donnell, Director, Education Regulation, Department for Education, Children and Young People
- Melissa Hanson, Regulation, Licensing and Accreditation Officer, Department of Health
- Natalie Kent, Regulatory Analyst, Energy Division, Essential Services Commission
- Rachel Prall, Quality and Service Development Officer, Statewide Bone Marrow Transplant Service, Royal Hobart Hospital
- Rhonda Smith, Manager Regulation, Licensing and Accreditation, Department of Health
- Vidhya Chelliah, Director, Department for Education Children and Young People
- Matt d’Abbs, Environment Protection Authority (Chapter Chair)
- Doug Young – Department of Health (Chapter Deputy Chair)
- Adam Beaumont, With Purpose Consulting
- Kate Maddern, Victorian Disability Worker Commission
- Baethan Mullen, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
- Marianne Munro, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
- Antonia Parkes, Fair Work Ombudsman
- Emily Sanders, Commission for Children and Young People
- Adam Watson, WorkSafe Victoria
- Penelope Winslade, Hobsons Bay City Council
- Robert Kelly, Deputy Commander Field Operations, WorkSafe Victoria
- Michelle Andrews, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (Chapter Sponsor)
- David MacLennan, City of Vincent (Chapter Chair)
- Alice Turnbull, National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (WA Chapter Deputy Chair)
- Lyn Anderson, Department of Communities
- Jenness Gardner, Economic Regulation Authority (chapter convenor on leave of absence)
- Germaine Larcombe, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
- Chris Mather, Department of Transport
- Ian Munns, Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
- Neil Sarti, Department Primary Industries and Regional Development
- Tim Green, Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development
- Erin Gauntlett, Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries
- Jennifer Shelton, Racing Gaming and Liquor
- Andrew Dolling, Better Regulation Unit
- Matthew Lester, Public and Aboriginal Health Division
- Robert Kennedy, Electoral Commissioner
- Neil Keen, Director Public Health Regulatory Directorate
- Gillian El-Hoss, Streamline WA
- Louise Oorschot, Treasury WA
- Anita Wyntje, Manager Biosecurity Governance and Regulation
- Lisa Barron, A/Director Training Regulation
- Adam Walker, A/Director Service Delivery Strategy
- Michael Harrigan, Treasury WA