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Derise Cubin

Executive Branch Manager Licensing and Registrations

Access Canberra

Faculty: Expert contributors

ACT, Australia

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Ms Derise Cubin is the Executive Branch Manager Licensing and Registrations in Access Canberra, ACT Government. In addition to this Derise holds the statutory positions of ACT Commissioner for Fair Trading and ACT Controlled Sports Registrar. Derise also has responsibility for Road Transport Compliance functions in the ACT.

Derise has been the Executive lead in Access Canberra developing a risked based Compliance and Enforcement Framework that is embedded in the Access Canberra Accountability Commitment. This framework is used across the Agency as a model for regulatory best practice.

Derise has over 20 years’ experience working in regulatory, enforcement and investigation roles, and is a highly experienced Executive who has worked across multiple public sector agencies in the Commonwealth, ACT Government, and in New Zealand with the Commerce Commission.