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Alumni Jurisdiction Chapters

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ANZSOG seeks to re-launch and support alumni chapters to create local engagement opportunities including professional development, networking, mentoring and more in jurisdictions across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.  

Each alumni chapter will be led by a committee of dedicated volunteers who facilitate opportunities for members to stay connected to fellow alumni and the ANZSOG community. Chapter members will have access to special events, a rich community of mentors, and the chance to share their knowledge and skills at ANZSOG events by speaking, providing testimonials, engaging in research and focus groups, and more. 

How to form an alumni chapter? 

To establish an alumni chapter in a jurisdiction, three or more alumni are required to form a chapter committee. Committees, made up of alumni volunteers, lead each chapter to meet its goals. The committee will work closely with local agencies/PSCs, jurisdictional Alumni Advisory Council and Alumni Ambassador representative, and the ANZSOG Alumni team to: 

  • Co-design chapter activities. 
  • Recruit and welcome new chapter members.
  • Serve as a point of contact for the ANZSOG Advisory Council and Alumni team.
  • Act as advocates for ANZSOG within the jurisdiction.
  • Provide a pathway for recognition, with potential to become ANZSOG Alumni Ambassadors or Alumni Advisory Council members in recognition of commitment and contributions. 

There is no strict structure for chapter committees, allowing each chapter to operate in a way that best suits its local network. Committee members can co-design roles and responsibilities that align with their chosen operating model. Chapters are encouraged to host regular events that provide opportunities for networking, professional development, and mentorship. 

To maintain its status, a chapter must stay active by: 

  • Keeping in regular contact among committee members, designating a chapter contact, and sharing updates with the ANZSOG Alumni team. 
  • Holding at least two alumni events annually in collaboration with local agencies/PSCs jurisdictional Alumni Advisory Council and Alumni Ambassador representative, and the ANZSOG Alumni team. 
  • Conducting annual EOIs for new committee members. 
  • Encouraging members to take part in ANZSOG annual Alumni Survey. 
  • Providing chapter updates for inclusion in the quarterly alumni e-newsletter or a chapter-specific newsletter in collaboration with the ANZSOG Alumni team. 

Funding and Self-Management 

Alumni chapters are self-funded and self-managed. Chapters are encouraged to use existing resources or raise funds through event registration fees, membership, or other activities. These funds can be reinvested in future chapter activities or used to support local causes or charities if desired. 

Chapter can establish and run their Chapter LinkedIn group in coordination with ANZSOG Alumni team. 

Additional support from ANZSOG may be available on a case-by-case basis, subject to a submitted business case. 

Central Alumni Office Support 

The ANZSOG Alumni team will provide guidance, resources, and access to ANZSOG services to support chapters in achieving their objectives. Support includes: 

  • Centralised communications to chapter members and the alumni network. 
  • Promotion of chapter events/activities via ANZSOG’s website, newsletters, and social media. 
  • Coordinate in Alumni branding.  
  • Updating alumni data and contact details in accordance with ANZSOG’s Information Governance and Privacy Policy. 
  • Access to ANZSOG alumni merchandise. 
  • Support in coordinating ANZSOG alumni and other speakers for webinars and events. 
  • Advice on event planning and management. 
  • Co-hosting chapter events aligned with ANZSOG activities within the jurisdiction. 
  • Introducing chapter committee members to other committees and Alumni Advisory Council members across jurisdictions. 

Established Alumni Chapters

Chapter Committee members: