What would culturally responsive regulation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations look like?
50 mins
30 June 2020
Harms; standards; inspection; monitoring; compliance; accreditation; enforcement; disqualification; prosecution. These and similar terms are familiar to regulators from every sector, and equally familiar to long standing duty holders. But how do they fit with the centrality of culture and community control to successful outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities? How can public sector regulators ‘get it right’ culturally in true partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander service providers whilst ensuring rigorous enforcement of high-quality standards for service users?
Plenty of questions, no easy answers, an important and challenging conversation! ANZSOG and the NRCoP warmly invite regulators, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander public servants and interested participants in the Community Controlled sector to this event.
- Facilitator: Janet Schorer
- Speaker 1: Brendan Thomas
- Speaker 2. Phillip Brooks
- Speaker 3: Simone Jackson