Realising the benefits of investment in information and communication technology 2008-20.1
20 December 2008
● Research
In March 2008 the Australian government commissioned a review of its use of information and communication technology (ICT). The review was led by Sir Peter Gershon, who had carried out a similar review for the UK government. The final report of the findings of the “Gershon Report”, published in August 2008, identified substantial scope for improvement in the realisation of benefits from ICT investment. The Australian Information Industry Association, a trade group, made a public response to the report. They believed that the major reason for the lack of benefits realisation was a lack of skill on the part of IT workers in the Australian public service.
This vignette case includes four questions that focus on benefit realisation. It might also be used for a discussion of public value in service delivery/agency operations or for questions around skilled staff recruitment and retention.
- Authors: Professor Michael Vitale
- Published Date: 20 December 2008
- Author Institution: Monash University
- Content Length: 2
- Product Type: Primary resources, Short story