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The New Generation National Library (A) 2011-116.1

6 May 2011



In February 2009 the New Zealand National Library launched the National Digital Heritage Archive, a key milestone in the vision of a “New Generation National Library”. It was a cause for celebration at a time of significant challenges. The Library planned a redesigned organisation and rebuilt physical space, under the leadership the National Librarian, the extroverted “big picture thinker” Penny Carnaby, who had navigated staff anxieties surrounding change. Steps taken to digitise the library archive had achieved international recognition, and organisation-wide consultation and collaboration were crucial to the next steps so that all staff felt ready for definitive action. But the new government, keen to trim public sector spending, was also facing the Global Financial Crisis. Carnaby faced intensive questioning from politicians at a Select Committee, as well as from her staff.

This is an abridged version of case study 2009-80: Building the New Generation National Library, and combines the three parts of the earlier version as one 12-page case with exhibits. The case lends itself to discussions of leadership, organisational culture and design, and strategic planning. Part A describes a brief overview of the lead-up to Carnaby’s appointment and her strategy for change thereafter.

Read more:

  • part B details the changes made to the National Library and its strategy in light of the GFC and a change of government.
Authors: Janet Tyson
Published Date: 6 May 2011
Author Institution: ANZSOG
Featured Content Length: 9
Content Length: 12
Product Type: Part A, Primary resources, Update