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How do place-based services evolve in a world of virtual, physical and hybrid service delivery?

1 July 2022



These papers outline the findings of an ANZSOG research project, co-sponsored by the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet (NSW DPC), to identify the emerging considerations for governments in designing and delivering hybrid (i.e. virtual and face-to-face) services and hybrid place-based initiatives (PBIs) – specifically those relating to social services.

The research was carried out by a team from the University of New South Wales’s Social Policy Research Centre (SPRCS) and draws on the recent experiences of governments in finding new ways of working in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It examines the effect of using virtual and hybrid modes of service delivery on stakeholders, and identifies the policy settings and resources that will support the ongoing transformation of place-based service delivery.


TITLE: How do Place-Based Services Evolve in a World of Virtual, Physical and Hybrid Service Delivery?

AUTHORS: Alison Riter, Kerryn Drysdale, Ilan Katz, Evelyne de Leeuw, Shona Bates

SERIES: ANZSOG Research Insights


DATE: July 2022

PUBLISHER: Australia and New Zealand School of Government

ISSN: 2653-7281

DOI: 10.54810/EGDO9879

CITATION: Riter, Alison et al. How do Place-Based Services Evolve in a World of Virtual, Physical and Hybrid Service Delivery?: ANZSOG Research Insights No. 24. Melbourne: Australia and New Zealand School of Government, July 2022.


Download the rapid evidence review prepared for the report (word)

Published Date: 1 July 2022


How do place-based services evolve in a world of virtual, physical and hybrid service delivery?