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ANZSOG’s Global Engagement and Partnerships program brings together the best minds in the region and the world with public leaders and partners in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand to strengthen trusted public governance in the Indo Pacific region.
A distinctive program
Our work focuses on the intersection of theory and practice between global and local contexts. We offer customized Masterclasses, Roundtables, Professional Learning, and Executive Leadership programs for practitioners in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and for public sector leaders across the Indo Pacific.
ANZSOG delivers intensive immersive-style programs, where participants gain deep exposure through meetings with senior public officials to explore policy and program initiatives, site visits, and executive education opportunities.
Who are our participants?
ANZSOG’s international programs are aimed at internationally focused senior public sector leaders with a strong focus on Australian, Aotearoa-New Zealand and the Indo Pacific leaders.
Past and Present Programs
- Singapore Civil Service College: Future Service Leaders Program
- Singapore National Community Leadership Institute: Community Leaders Program
- Cambodia: Study Mission on Public Governance and Leadership
- Vietnam: Study Mission on Governance and Public Sector Leadership
- Malaysia’s Razak School of Government: Executive Fellows Program
- Pacific Executive (PACE) Program
- India: Advanced Leadership Program
- China: Advanced Leadership / Reciprocal Program.
To enquire about ANZSOG’s International Engagement programs, please contact us at international@anzsog.edu.au