The prime ministership remains the main prize in Australian politics, but it is a precarious one. Leadership turnover in recent years has seen more prime ministers rise and fall than at any time since the decade after federation. What explains this volatility?
The Pivot of Power is the second volume in a unique blend of collective biography and institutional history that shows the skills, limitations and passions of incumbents are only part of the story. Professor Paul ‘t Hart, founder and Co-Director of ANZSOG’s Towards Strategic Leadership program and Professor of Public Administration at the Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University in the Netherlands, is co-author of the book and Melbourne University Press have kindly given ANZSOG permission to publish the first chapter on our website.
Download a free preview of The Pivot of Power (Chapter 1)
Applications are currently open for the popular Towards Strategic Leadership program in 2018. This two week course is aimed at senior executives or managers in the public sector who have recently moved, or are about to move, into a more strategic leadership role within government or the public sector at large.