Through numerous reviews and an array of Better Regulation initiatives, Australasian Governments have invested considerable energy in defining what ‘excellence’ might mean for regulatory frameworks. Queensland Treasury has its own Guide to Better Regulation. But how are we going when it comes to operational excellence? Do we know what excellence looks like when it comes to our operating model, including such issues as clarity about outcomes, delivery channels, and access to the right suite of capabilities and skills?
Fortunately our speaker is here to help, drawing on her extensive experience of leading large regulators and reviewing and advising many others. It will commence with an introduction by David Mackie, Senior Sponsor of the Queensland chapter of the NRCoP followed by discussion of a local example of building excellent regulatory capability in the early childhood workforce with Erica McLuckie from the Department of Education.
Event details
Date: Thursday, 17 October 2019
Registration & light refreshments: 9.00-9.30am
Seminar: 9.30-10.45am
Please RSVP by Tuesday, 15 October 2019.