ANZSOG is currently seeking nominations for its Alumni Advisory Council from across Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand.
Established in 2018 to represent ANZSOG’s 3,500-strong alumni, the Council provides alumni with direct involvement in ANZSOG’s activities and the chance to inform the organisation’s strategic direction.
The Council’s objectives are to build a strong, engaged and cohesive alumni community, and foster two-way communication between alumni and the ANZSOG executive, and between ANZSOG and public services.
The inaugural Alumni Advisory Council consisted of 14 public sector leaders from across Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand who were chosen to represent the interests and views of ANZSOG’s diverse alumni community.
Council members undertake a two-year term with an option to extend and the first two-year term comes to an end in September 2020.
About the Council
ANZSOG Dean and CEO, Professor Ken Smith described ANZSOG’s alumni, as one of the organisation’s biggest assets and said the Council provides an invaluable role in shaping the organisation’s direction.
“Our alumni, and the networks they have built, are an invaluable resource for us and we want to do more to strengthen their sense of community and draw on their skills and experience.”
Simon Kent – the inaugural Council Chair said there were opportunities for alumni to work together to drive good policy and mentor younger public servants.
“We need to support the emerging leaders, with whatever skills they are going to need, through formal processes, through the Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) and through mentoring, support and connecting them up with the right people.”
Why should I join the Council?
The Council is a group of high-achieving public sector leaders. In its first year, the Council audited and updated Alumni pathways and was able to provide value to ANZSOG by reviewing and advising on key projects and strategy.
The Council brings great energy and enthusiasm to their advisory role, and continues to identify additional pathways for alumni to be involved.
Much like ANZSOG’s programs, the Council provides an invaluable networking opportunity – allowing members to hear about issues and challenges first-hand from public sector leaders across Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand.
Who is on the Council?
The Alumni Advisory Council currently consists of 15 members from across ANZSOG’s ten government jurisdictions.
The Council features a mix of alumni representatives from ANZSOG’s three foundation programs: Executive Master of Public Administration, Executive Fellows Program and Towards Strategic Leadership.
What would I have to do as a Council member?
The Council provides advice to ANZSOG on program delivery, support capability and leadership development in the public service, and encourages equity and diversity in ANZSOG program participation.
The Council currently has four focus areas:
Alumni to have a more prominent role in shaping the future of ANZSOG
Developing a strong alumni community of practice, and leveraging alumni skills and experience across the public sector
Energising alumni networks and activity
Building an understanding of alumni.
The work of the Council is largely advisory, however, you may also be asked to:
Take part in pilots of ANZSOG programs
Attend ANZSOG information sessions to discuss your ANZSOG engagement with future participants or attend ANZSOG graduation sessions to welcome new members to the alumni
Participate in ANZSOG events, in some cases as a speaker
Engage with ANZSOG on social media, particularly the Alumni LinkedIn group
How much time is involved?
The Council meets formally two to three times a year, with a minimum of one face-to-face meeting (funded by ANZSOG). Face-to-face meetings have previously been held in Melbourne but are likely to be subject to travel restrictions in 2021.
In between the meetings, Council members are also in regular contact with senior ANZSOG staff, and occasionally provide advice to the ANZSOG executive team and are asked to assist with various projects in an advisory capacity. The Council Chair meets regularly with the ANZSOG Dean and CEO.
The next Council meeting, which new members will be required to attend, will be held in October.
How do I apply?
To apply, a member of the alumni, that is someone who has completed either the Executive Master of Public Administration, Executive Fellows Program, Towards Strategic Leadership or the China Reciprocal Program, should email their CV and a one-page statement summarising how they will deliver on the Council member requirements as outlined in the terms of reference which can be found on the Alumni Advisory Council page to Tim Doutré at: t.doutre@anzsog.edu.au.
Māori and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people with disability and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Alumni from all jurisdictions, programs and of varying levels of seniority are also encouraged to apply.
Council members do not have to be currently working in the public sector.
Applications are due by 18 September.
All applicants will be contacted to advise them of their application status. Applicants may be required to attend a brief virtual interview with the Dean and CEO.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Tim Doutré (t.doutre@anzsog.edu.au) or one of the current council members.