Joint ANZSOG, Monash University PhD Scholarships open now for behaviour change projects
19 September 2017
● News and media
ANZSOG is partnering with Monash University on two ‘live’ behaviour change PhD projects to commence in 2018.
The Monash Graduate Research Industry Partnership (GRIP) is offering 18 behaviour change PhD scholarships in total. The scholarships bring together government agency partners and PhD candidates to co-design and deliver new interdisciplinary behaviour change approaches to solve public policy issues in areas such as safety, environment, health and education.
Agencies including Australia Post, VicRoads, Worksafe and the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning are sponsoring PhDs with goals including: greater utilisation of digital opportunities, encouraging drivers to stay focused on the road, mental injury prevention and ways to reduce single use plastics such as shopping bags.
While the general topics are set, the GRIP program is still looking for PhD students to develop more detailed proposals and undertake research.
Monash University is currently inviting applications for the scholarships and applicants from a range of different backgrounds and disciplines are invited to apply.
Applications close on 12 October 2017 and successful candidates will have the chance to work with some Australia’s leading behaviour change researchers to produce work with an immediate practical application.
ANZSOG’s two projects will focus on the impact of executive education in the public sector and on primary prevention approaches to ending violence against women. ANZSOG is also supporting a member of staff, Stakeholder Relations and Communications Manager Lisa Wheildon, who is a successful candidate for one of the PhD projects.
Ms Wheildon’s PhD will examine the efficacy of women sharing their lived experiences of violence in the primary prevention of violence against women. The project will consider work done in other areas, such as mental health and reporting on suicide, to identify effective practices for encouraging victims to share their experiences while minimising the risks of re-traumatisation.
ANZSOG’s Associate Dean (Academic) Professor Catherine Althaus said the many organisations were recognising the importance of understanding behaviour change in developing successful programs.
“As ANZSOG embarks on a new and exciting phase, with increased investment in our research capacity, we are keen to work to develop young and emerging researchers and to produce work with a strong practical application. This innovative program allows us to do both.”
Find out more about Monash University’s Behaviour Change Graduate Research Industry Partnership and apply.