The struggle to regulate integrity: money and politics
1 hour
21 April 2021
No one stands for office or enters the public sector promising to undermine integrity, engage in corruption or turn a blind eye to wrongdoing – and yet, somehow, scandals at the intersection of money, power and politics are everywhere.
For the many integrity bodies charged with promoting pro-integrity behaviour and/or regulating its opposite, the usual difficulties of speaking truth to power as a regulator are compounded when the highest levels of politics or the bureaucracy are your duty holders.
What can we all learn from the struggle to regulate ‘hot potato’ issues like political donations? How do those in charge of enforcing painfully crafted rules negotiate the traps and pitfalls of their role?
This webinar is presented in partnership with the Electoral Regulation Research Network (Electoral Regulation Research Network (unimelb.edu.au), an initiative sponsored by the New South Wales Electoral Commission, Victorian Electoral Commission and the Melbourne Law School.
- Facilitator: Marlo Baragwanath
- Speaker 1: Professor Joo-Cheong Tham (presentation slides)
- Speaker 2: Professor Anne Twomey
For further reading: