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Ginna Webster


Department of Justice (TAS)



Ginna Webster

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Ginna is the Secretary of the Department of Justice in Tasmania – a role she has had since September 2019.

Ginna spent 15 years in the Tasmanian Department of Justice, in a wide variety of roles including Deputy Secretary – Administration of Justice and Director, Community Corrections.  From 1984 – 2002 Ginna worked for the Australian Customs Service in Hobart, Darwin, Sydney and Canberra. She worked for many years as a Detector Dog Handler before being appointed Inspector of the NSW Dog Unit, the largest unit in Australia.

Ginna is passionate about leadership, particularly in the public sector.  She is an Executive Fellow of the Australian New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG); graduate of the Tasmanian Leaders Program and Alumni of the ‘Cranlana’ Colloquium.  In addition to her role as Chair of Tasmanian Leaders Inc. she also is Chair of Jane Franklin Hall Council, a member of the Pinnacle Foundation Tasmanian Regional Committee and the Tasmanian representative for the ANZSOG Alumni Council.

She was previously the inaugural Secretary of the Department of Communities Tasmania, which commenced on 1 July 2018. Communities Tasmania provides opportunities for all Tasmanians to participate in community life and sport and recreation; supports, protects and nurtures vulnerable children, young people and their families; delivers and facilitates specialist disability services; and provides services to support social and affordable housing. Prior to this role Ginna was Deputy Secretary – Children and Youth Services in the Department of Health and Human Services, responsible for the  Child Safety Service, Community Youth Justice, the Ashley Youth Detention Centre and Family Violence Counselling Support Services.

Read more about Ginna’s ANZSOG journey