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Praveen Reddy

Executive Director, Freight Victoria

Department of Transport

Alumni Ambassador | EFP 2023


VIC, Australia

Image of Praveen Reddy, ANZSOG Alumni Ambassador

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Since his appointment as Executive Director, Freight Victoria, in 2020, Praveen Reddy has overseen expanded access to Victoria’s heavy vehicle network, undertaken a complete review of the Victorian ports system and chairs the Heavy Vehicle Consultative Group, which brings together representatives of the heavy vehicle industry to advise the Minister for Roads and Road Safety on reform.

Praveen brings more than 30 years’ experience in complex transport policy, governance and emerging and disruptive technology across Commonwealth and State Government sectors, as well as the private sector and not-for-profit organisations.

Prior to Freight Victoria, he held a number of senior leadership roles within VicRoads, where he successfully implemented key projects and freight initiatives.

Following his time at VicRoads, Praveen held the positions of Chief Officer Operations at the National Transport Commission, where he successfully delivered program milestones for COAG transport reform projects, including the establishment of National Heavy Vehicle and Rail Safety Regulators, performance-based standards for high productivity freight vehicles and the National Ports Strategy.

As Chief Executive Officer of Periscope Corporation, Praveen has led an organisation focused on technology-driven innovation, with considerable focus on the transport and mining sectors.

Most recently, Praveen has been responsible for formulating the government’s response to the unprecedented supply chain challenges presented by the pandemic.

Praveen is a Executive Fellows Program (EFP) alumni and a 2023 – 2024 Alumni Ambassador. To find out more about the Alumni Ambassador program, click here