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Rose Cole

Director of NCEA Change and Digital Assessment|

NZ Qualifications Authority|

Alumni Ambassador | EMPA 2010


New Zealand

Image of ANZSOG Alumni Ambassador Rose Cole

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Rose Cole is the Director of NCEA Change and Digital Assessment for the NZ Qualifications Authority. She has held a variety of leadership roles in New Zealand’s public service and community sector.

Her public sector experience has been in developing and implementing strategic change and engagement strategies to effectively deliver organisational policy within the education sector in New Zealand.  Following her graduation with the ANZSOG EMPA she completed a PhD thesis researching the role of non-partisan advisers—departmental private secretaries—in New Zealand’s core executive and has been published in leading journals such as Parliamentary Affairs, the International Review of Administrative Sciences and the Australian Journal of Public Administration.

Rose holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours), a Master of Public Management, an Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) through the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG), and a PhD in Public Policy.


Rose is a 2023 – 2024 Alumni Ambassador. To find out more about the Alumni Ambassador program, click here