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Framing, agency and multiple streams – a case study of parks policy in the Northern Territory

18 March 2021



Decorative image: Ecological friendly and sustainable environment

In 2002, the Northern Territory Government (NTG) was newly elected and facing a significant challenge. The challenge was particularly problematic for a government inheriting a highly politicised and contested environment around land issues, yet promising to repair relations with Aboriginal interests by promoting self-determination and Aboriginal employment. As part of this commitment, the new government had decided to establish an office within the Chief Minister’s department to coordinate the new approach.

When the new Chief Minister, Clare Martin, tapped Neil Westbury on the shoulder to head up the new office, she knew that she was gaining a highly experienced and pragmatic bureaucrat who brought strong relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and a track record of delivering.

Please note this case has a Teaching Note associated with it. To access a copy, please email caselibrary@anzsog.edu.au with a request and citing the title.

Authors: Dr Prudence Brown
Published Date: 18 March 2021
Author Institution: University of Queensland
Featured Content Length: 10
Content Length: 10
Product Type: One-part case