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A diagnostic tool for assessing organisational readiness for complex change

6 December 2013




Much is made of the best way to manage change, including a large body of work that argues that there is no point in undertaking such programs unless the organisation is actually ready and able to adopt these new ways of working. In this paper we focus, in particular, on the issue of organisations working together in more ‘joined-up’ ways across government – an example of complex change. We contribute to this literature, arguing that in cases of complex change, not only does there need to be readiness in terms of the change itself, but that there also needs to be readiness in the capacity of the organisation to work together, both within and across organisations. The paper outlines the development of a new diagnostic tool that combines macro and micro levels of analysis in order to enable organisations to gauge their preparedness for complex change.

An output from the ANZSOG-funded project Diagnosing readiness: Testing organisational capabilities.

Suggested citation

Blackman, D., O’Flynn, J. and Ugyel, L. (2013) A diagnostic tool for assessing organisational readiness for complex change, paper presented to the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management conference, Hobart, 4-6 December.

Authors: Deborah Blackman, Janine O'Flynn and Lhawang Ugyel
Published Date: 6 December 2013

Case study

Download the case study: blackman_et-al-2013 (PDF 635 KB)