Defining and measuring our public value
1 hour
13 October 2020
While many of the performance measures diligently reported by regulators focus on activity, like the number of inspections or the number of prosecutions, how many of us are satisfied these go to the heart of what we do, and why? When we come to define our public value, we’re really thinking about dimensions like achieving worthwhile outcomes, trust and legitimacy, acting fairly and delivering well on behalf of citizens, and using public resources wisely. Harder to measure than the number of improvement notices issued! How are thoughtful regulators grappling with the dilemmas of analysing their public value and telling a public value story to the community?
- Facilitator: Dr Chris Walker
- Speaker 1: Emily Sanders (Emily Sanders presentation slides)
- Speaker 2: Tony Keenan (Tony Keenan presentation slides)
Measuring public value, from Maria Katsonis
Measuring public value, from BehaviourWorks