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Lisa Docherty


Government Regulatory Practice Initiative (G-Reg)

Faculty: Expert contributors

New Zealand

Areas of expertise

  • Regulation
NRCoP National Committee member Lisa Doherty

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Lisa Docherty joined G-REG in the role of Director in February 2022. This role allows her to join up two strands from her background – regulatory practice, stewardship & strategy; and leadership in professional bodies. She has previously worked with DIA (Gambling) and MBIE (building) and was the New Zealand Manager of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, and inaugural Registrar of the Institute of Directors in New Zealand.

Lisa and her team are building on the original vision for the Government Regulatory Practice Initiative, developing fit for the future programmes and resources for regulators, and ensuring that the initiative endures, and will adapt and grow to achieve its potential. She is passionate about creating space for regulatory professionals to learn from each other, and to create and disseminate knowledge, and develop a shared culture. Lisa particularly enjoys connecting people and ideas – so has nabbed the role of Secretariat lead for our Peer Advisory services.