Kirikowhai Mikaere (Te Arawa – Tūhourangi, Ngāti Whakaue)
Lead Technical Advisor
National Iwi (Tribal) Chairs Forum - Data Leadership Group
Faculty: Expert contributors
New Zealand

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Directory update requestMs Mikaere is a leading Māori data and information specialist focused on harnessing information to empower indigenous community development. She is a consultant with over 20 years’ experience advising Ministers, government agencies, tribal, community and private sector organisations with practical statistical analysis and innovative place-based data solutions.
Ms Mikaere is currently the lead technical advisor to the National Iwi (Tribal) Chairs Forum – Data Leadership Group, leads the independent trust Te Kāhui Raraunga and holds governance positions across the private sector and government, including with her tribe (Chair – Tūhourangi Tribal Authority, Trustee – Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa), Māori Health provider Manaaki Ora Trust (Deputy Chair), the New Zealand 2023 Census Programme Board, and is a member of the New Zealand Science Board.