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Jeswynn Yogaratnam


Anti-Discrimination Commission

Northern Territory, Australia

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Jeswynn Yogaratnam is a lawyer, educator and more recently the NT Anti-Discrimination Commissioner. He is passionate about championing equality of opportunity and poverty alleviation by eliminating discrimination. During his academic tenure teaching Corporations Law, Jeswynn embedded the concept of ‘Indigeneity’ and Corporation (Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islander) Act 2006 alongside the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). He found it important for future lawyers to recognise the value and difference of Indigenous corporations from mainstream corporations in driving economic development of local communities and the on-going process of choice in self-determination. He is passionate about inclusion of socio-cultural norms from Indigenous perspectives as part of corporate governance stewardship. Jeswynn is a firm believer that diversity in thinking can help drive innovation, strengthen organisational identity and bolster stakeholder value.