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Gregory Abood


Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators neTwork (AELERT)

Seconded from the Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR)

Faculty: Expert contributors

New South Wales,

Areas of expertise

  • Regulation

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Gregory is seconded from the Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) where he was the Director of Education and Engagement, and previously the Director Water Regulation where he led the building and maturing of a new, independent natural resource regulator. He has led NRAR to proactively engage stakeholders, understand them better and enable them to solve regulatory problems. He has championed protection and recognition of Aboriginal cultural and spiritual values connected to land and water.

During his 23 years of experience in the field, he has led initiatives to solve complex regional, industrial, and statewide regulatory issues in pollution, biodiversity conservation, chemicals, native forestry, land management, and water management.

Committed to serving in the public interest, Gregory has honed his regulatory craft and employs a full suite of tools and his own insights to affect real change and meaningful outcomes on the ground. He is an advocate of proactive regulation and effective regulatory laws, and is adept at engaging and mobilising stakeholders to amplify reach and influence.

As chief executive officer of the Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulator’s Network (AELERT), Gregory utilises his passion for regulation, experience in exercising the regulatory craft, and a natural leadership style focused on connecting people to strengthen the network and provide value to its members. He is particularly focussed on connecting members to AELERT’s international regulatory network partners in North America, Asia and Europe to facilitate new opportunities to collaborate and innovate at a global level.