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Doug Young

Acting Director, Medicines and Poisons Regulation

Department of Health Victoria

Faculty: Expert contributors

VIC, Australia

Areas of expertise

  • Regulation
NRCoP National Steering Group member Doug Young

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Doug is currently Acting Director, Medicines and Poisons Regulation, Department of Health Victoria with over 15 years’ experience as a senior public sector manager and lawyer leading the delivery of regulatory programs to achieve strategic outcomes.

With qualifications in both law and biomedical science, his substantive role is Manager Regulatory Practice Improvement for the Department of Health. In that role he leads a structured best-practice approach for risk-based / outcomes-focused reforms across the departments 12 regulators. This role requires stewardship of a regulator community of practice and driving cultural change and building relationships to facilitate a partnership approach to reform.

Prior to this position he has had over a decade leading the end-to-end delivery of regulatory projects to achieve operational and policy outcomes. Previous roles have included:

  • Manager Market Operations, Essential Services Commission, leading the licencing program and development of energy industry standards and guidelines
  • Manager of the Office of Medicinal Cannabis (DHHS) leading the implementation of a new health program and regulatory framework for access to medicinal cannabis in Victoria
  • Principal Solicitor with the EPA and as an in-house lawyer and prosecutor with several other statutory bodies