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Martyn Campbell

Commissioner for Consumer Affairs, Commissioner for Corporate Affairs, Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and Commissioner for Prices

Faculty: Expert contributors

South Australia, Australia

Areas of expertise

  • Regulation

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Martyn is the Commissioner for Liquor & Gambling, Commissioner for Consumer Affairs, Commissioner for Pricing and Commissioner for Corporate Affairs.

He is also responsible for the operations of Consumer & Business Services within the Attorney-General’s Dept of the South Australian Government.

Martyn was formerly the Head of SafeWork SA and WHS Regulator for South Australia and has held other senior regulatory leadership roles in the Fair Work Ombudsman and Australian Taxation Office.

Additionally, he was the South Australian Board Member for Safe Work Australia, Deputy Chair of the University of South Australia’s Centre for Workplace Excellence and Chair of the Heads of Workplace Safety Authorities.

Internationally, he was the Secretary-General of the International Association of Labour Inspection (IALI), the global professional body for WHS and IR Regulators and remains one of three global Technical Advisors to IALI.

He is currently an independent Board Member to the Educational Standards Board of South Australia (the Regulator for early childhood education in SA), the inaugural Chair of the Australian National Psychosocial Safety Network, championing workplace psychosocial safety for all workers and workplaces and is an Independent Board Member for SA Power Networks, WHS Sub-Committee.

A regular speaker at safety conferences, including the 2022 G20 OSH Network in Bali, Indonesia, the 2023 23rd World Congress on Safety & Health at Work in Sydney, and IALI General Assembly in Geneva in 2024.