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NRCoP and ANZSOG present: Navigating Regulatory Landscapes

Four Sights to advance regulatory practice and governance




Online Zoom Webinar


12:00pm - 1:00pm (AEDT)


20 November 2023


Regulation is a difficult craft to learn and practice – with ‘regulatory craft’ itself shaped by various perspectives, which in turn are informed by various sights. This webinar explores the Four Sights (4Sights) of: Hindsight, Insight, Foresight, and Oversight (or HIFO for short) – in the context of regulatory practice, delivery, and strategy. This webinar will be of interest to regulators generally – but especially those who are being asked to be more: agile, adaptive, and anticipatory; and/or demonstrate ‘regulatory stewardship’.

Join us during the webinar to explore how the 4Sights might be able to assist you – to more effectively achieve or advance your regulatory outcomes, and navigate the ‘next right moves’.


Facilitator: Lisa Docherty, Director, Government Regulatory Practice Initiative (G-Reg)

Guest Presenter 1: Rob Warner, Chief Advisor, Strategy, Tino Kaitohutohu Matau in Maritime New Zealand

Guest Presenter 2: Dr Grant Pink, RECAP Consultants and Pracademic Advisor to the NRCoP


For further reading:


Video snippets