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Developing agency capability: a new agency capability review framework

5 May 2021



This paper, based on a report commissioned from ANZSOG by the WA Public Service Commission looks at the process for developing agency capability reviews and provides a recommended capability review framework for Australian jurisdictions, for use in developing the capability of individual departments and other large agencies.


TITLE: Developing Agency Capability: A New Agency Capability Review Framework

AUTHORS: Donald Speagle, Shaun Goldfinch, Rory Dufficy

SERIES: ANZSOG Research Insights


DATE: May 2021

PUBLISHER: Australia and New Zealand School of Government

ISSN: 2653-7281

DOI: 10.54810/GMKU5867

CITATION: Speagle, Donald, Shaun Goldfinch, and Rory Dufficy. Developing Agency Capability:

A New Agency Capability Review Framework: ANZSOG Research Insights No. 18.

Melbourne: Australia and New Zealand School of Government, 2021

Published Date: 5 May 2021