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The Governance and Operation of Smaller Statutory Agencies – Evidence Review Report

1 March 2023



ANZSOG has partnered with the public sector commissions of Queensland and Western Australia to commission a research project investigating small statutory agencies, with the goal of producing best practice guidance for establishing, governing and operating these increasingly important and numerous arms of government.

This evidence review, undertaken by the University of Western Australia’s Public Policy Institute, is the first output from the project. It summarises the literature and its contribution to identifying issues facing small agencies and also reveals critical gaps which will provide future directions for this research project and the field more broadly.


TITLE: The Governance and Operation of Smaller Statutory Agencies

AUTHORS: David Gilchrist, Shamit Saggar and Summayyah Ahmad

SERIES: ANZSOG Research Insights


DATE: March 2023

PUBLISHER: Australia and New Zealand School of Government

ISSN: 2653-7281

DOI: 10.54810/NWYQ9751

CITATION: Gilchrist, David, Shamit Saggar, and Sumayyah Ahmad. The Governance and Operation of Smaller Statutory Agencies: ANZSOG Research Insights No. 27. Melbourne: Australia and New Zealand School of Government, March 2023

Published Date: 1 March 2023


The Governance and Operation of Smaller Statutory Agencies – Evidence Review Report