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Implementing the Early Intervention Framework: A report to the Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance

10 May 2022



The Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) is implementing the Victorian Government’s Early Intervention Investment Framework (EIIF), a new budgeting tool designed to guide investment in early intervention initiatives with rigorous quantification requirements, and engaged ANZSOG to develop a research and practice paper to aid in the refinement and implementation of the EIIF.

This ANZSOG paper considers what the most effective features are for the EIIF to support budgetary decision making on long-term social services investments, and what is required to realise this. It does so with a focus on the feedback loop that exists between the technical aspects of the EIIF – the systems and tools within the budgeting process and broader government – and organisational and individual behaviours and attitudes, as well as the changes that will support the implementation of the EIIF and continue to build it long-term.

TITLE: Implementing the Early Intervention Investment Framework: A Report to the

Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance


SERIES: ANZSOG Research Insights


DATE: May 2022

PUBLISHER: Australia and New Zealand School of Government

ISSN: 2653-7281

DOI: 10.54810/STBQ7161

CITATION: ANZSOG. Implementing the Early Intervention Investment Framework: A Report to

the Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance: ANZSOG Research Insights No. 23

Melbourne: Australia and New Zealand School of Government, May 2022.

Published Date: 10 May 2022


Implementing the Early Intervention Framework: A report to the Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance