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What public servants need to know to develop their policy acumen

28 November 2024

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Policy development is at the heart of government but understanding it can be a steep learning curve for those new to the field. 

ANZSOG’s Developing Policy Acumen is a one-day program designed for public servants new to the policy field or those looking to hone their skills. 

It gives participants an overview of how policy is created, different lenses to look at the policy process, an understanding of how ministerial offices work, and how policy is developed in practice. 

The one-day program is taught by Monash University’s Dr Zareh Ghazarian, a Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, with experience as a Chief Investigator on research projects for government departments and agencies including the Australian Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. 

Participants learn how to tackle contemporary policy challenges effectively, build their foundational strategic policy knowledge and explore innovations in policy-making. 

“I gained valuable insights into how various policies are structured and implemented. This knowledge will help me to navigate the complexities of policy environments, allowing me to critically assess existing polices and identify areas for improvement.” 

Dr Ghazarian demystifies how government works and explores the context in which ministers must make decisions. 

Policy acumen is crucial to making a positive impact on policy and involves building knowledge of the factors that influence policy – both inside and outside government.

Dr Ghazarian looks at different theoretical approaches to policy, these include how policy streams (problems/policies/politics/policy entrepreneurs and policy windows) interact to develop policy, and the application of the Strategic Triangle – of public value/organisational capacity/authorising environment – to policy. 

He explores the strengths and weaknesses of each model, and how understanding how to apply them can help build policy acumen. 

The program also looks at different policy instruments such as advocacy, the law, funding and directly providing services. Dr Ghazarian will discuss how policy development is changing, including the influence of behavioural ‘nudging’ approaches to policy and the increasing use of expertise outside government to design and deliver policy. 

I really enjoyed expanding my thinking around policy acumen – and am excited to apply this learning shortly in my work” 

How policy is developed in practice

Developing Policy Acumen aims to give participants insights they can use in their daily work, and part of the program examines how government functions in Australia, and common assumptions and misconceptions about where power lies in our system and how it is used. 

It looks at the tension between concepts of an apolitical public service and the reality that administration is an important source of political power. The program also explores the real-world constraints on ministerial power such as budget and power struggles within government and examines the reality that public services are no longer the only source of advice to ministers and are competing with a range of other sources, including interest groups and ministerial advisors. 

A section on Examining the World of Ministers analyses how ministerial offices work and the unwritten rules that govern them. It also explores five different types of ministers: maintenance ministers, spruikers, policy drivers, warriors, and partisans. 

Participants will learn more about the importance of evaluation to policy outcomes and policy acumen and examine different policy evaluation approaches. 

“The session that unpacked ministers’ responsibilities, and key roles such as ministerial advisors, was extremely useful.” 

Throughout the program Dr Ghazarian will use current, practical examples of policies to illustrate key concepts, and students will be able to discuss policy challenges in their own work. 

By the end of the program, participants will be able to: 

  • explore and apply key concepts including public value, and policy design innovations such as co-design  
  • develop knowledge of the structures and operation of government  
  • learn to navigate government and build your knowledge of the ‘world of ministers’  
  • gain skills in strategic policy-making  
  • explore policy in practice, including evaluation and behavioural approaches. 

Developing Policy Acumen is a popular one-day online program which will be offered four times in 2025. The first delivery will take place on 18 February, and early bird prices are available for registrations before 20 December. To enquire about this program, please contact ANZSOG’s Engagement Team at engage@anzsog.edu.au  or call us on 1300 ANZSOG (1300 269 764).