First Nations Research, Insights and Resources

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ANZSOG has produced a wide range of First Peoples and Māori public administration and policy resources with relevance across the public sector which are all free to access and use for teaching or research purposes.
These pages include resources from our First Peoples Public Administration conferences, the Wise Practice collection, with its focus on stories which demonstrate how First Peoples and Māori culture, knowledge and perspectives can achieve successful outcomes when Indigenous communities and governments come together to work in partnership.
NB: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website may contain images, voices and video recordings and summary reports of deceased persons.
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First Nations engagement
ANZSOG is committed to working with communities across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand to promote and prioritise the perspectives and contributions of First Peoples.
Wise Practice collection
ANZSOG’s Wise Practice collection is a combination of public administration and policy resources centred on the knowledge and culture of the First Peoples of Australia and Aoteraroa New Zealand.
First Nations Conferences and Events
ANZSOG believes that recognising the value and meaning of Indigenous perspectives, knowledges and cultures is critical to our mission of lifting the quality of public services across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.