Sharon Nelson-Kelly
Senior Advisor, First Nations Program and Strategy
Faculty: Expert contributors

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Directory update requestSharon Nelson-Kelly (Rongomaiwahine ki Kahungunu) from Pakipaki, Aotearoa New Zealand.
Since 2018, Sharon has shared her Māori cultural knowledge, relationships, advice and lived experience with the ANZSOG team, to increase the breadth of Māori and First Nations perspectives in our programs, executive leadership programs, workshops, and masterclasses.
Drawing on her extensive operational and strategic experience in the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand government sectors, Sharon is a driving force behind ANZSOG’s flagship First Nations Public Administration conferences. She is committed to ensuring all public servants have the best knowledge, understanding, tools and resources, to improve the design and implementation of public administration that will have a positive, sustainable impact in Māori and First Nations people’s lives.