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Professor Fiona Haines

Professor of Criminology

School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne

Faculty: Expert contributors


Areas of expertise

  • Regulation
Image of ANZSOG NRCoP conference speaker Fiona Haines

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Fiona Haines is Professor of Criminology in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne, Honorary Professor at the Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet) at ANU and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. Her research, which encompasses work on industrial disasters, grievances and multinational enterprises, centres on white collar and corporate crime, globalisation and regulation.

She is an internationally renowned expert in the area of regulation and compliance with published work in the area ranging from industrial disasters, occupational health & safety and financial fraud to the impact of criminalisation of cartel conduct and the capacity of new governance to resolve issues of human rights violations associated with the activities of multinational corporations. Through this diverse work she explores the way context and place affect the nature and effectiveness of regulation to resolve business harm. She was recipient of the 2018 International Scholar Prize awarded by the US Law and Society Association.
Her books include The Paradox of Regulation: what regulation can achieve and what it cannot (Edward Elgar, 2011) and Regulatory Transformations: Rethinking Economy Society Interactions, (Hart Publishing), 2015, co-edited with Bettina Lange and Dania Thomas. Her major current research projects include an analysis of how to hold multinational corporations accountable for human right’s abuse, the social impact of coals seam gas exploration and rethinking regulation in an ecologically constrained world.