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Directory update requestPatricia Rogers is Chief Executive Officer of BetterEvaluation, an international collaboration to improve monitoring and evaluation by creating and sharing knowledge about choosing and using methods and processes. She was formerly Professor of Public Sector Evaluation at RMIT University and ANZSOG and is now visiting professor at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. She is an experienced evaluator who has worked on evaluations and evaluation systems for more than 30 years in a wide range of sectors, including education, health, early childhood, community services, international development, science and technology, employment, energy, and infrastructure. She has worked with national, state and local government departments and agencies in Australia and New Zealand, UN agencies, international philanthropic foundations, development banks and NGOs.
Professor Rogers’ particular focus is on ensuring that monitoring and evaluation systems are useful in improving delivery and informing decisions. She has delivered professional development programs on evaluation in Australia and New Zealand, the UK, the USA, Canada, Japan, South Africa, Malaysia, Nepal, and Brazil. Her book on program theory with Sue Funnell, Purposeful Program Theory, provides detailed guidance on developing, representing and using theories of change and logic models. Her work has been recognised by the Australasian Evaluation Society’s Evaluation and Training Services Award for contributions to the profession of evaluation, the AES Best Evaluation Study, the American Evaluation Association’s AEA Alva and Gunnar Myrdal Practice Award, and prizes for pioneering evaluation research. She is a Fellow of the Australian Evaluation Society.
Selected publications
Peersman, G., Rogers, P., Guijt, I., Hearn, S., Pasanen, T. & Buffardi, A. (2016) When and how to develop an impact-oriented monitoring and evaluation system. A Methods Lab publication. London: Overseas Development Institute.
Cargo, M., Stankov, I., Thomas, J., Saini, M., Rogers, P., Mayo-Wilson, E. & Hannes, K. (2015) Development, inter-rater reliability and feasibility of a checklist to assess implementation (Ch-IMP) in systematic reviews: The case of provider-based prevention and treatment programs targeting children and youth. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 15: 1-18.
Rogers, P., Westhorp, G. & Walker, B. (2015) Dealing with complexity in a realist synthesis: community accountability and empowerment initiatives. In Dealing With Complexity in Development Evaluation: A Practical Approach, Sage Publications.
Rogers, P. & Fraser, D. (2014) Development evaluation. In International Development: Ideas, Experience and Prospects. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rogers, P., & Peersman, G. (2014) Developing a research agenda for impact evaluation in development. Institute of Development Studies Bulletin, 45: 85-99.
Rogers, P. & Davidson, E. (2013) Australian and New Zealand evaluation theorists. In Evaluation Roots: A Wider Perspective of Theorists’ Views and Influences, 2nd ed. Sage Publications.