Luke Wilson
Victoria’s Cross Border Commissioner
Regional Development Victoria
Faculty: Expert contributors
Victoria, VIC, Australia

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Directory update requestMr Luke Wilson commenced as Victoria’s Cross Border Commissioner in October 2018.
Luke is the former Lead Deputy Secretary, Corporate Services in the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (Victoria).
Luke has previously led the Department’s Agriculture, Resources and Energy portfolios, including its biosecurity, fisheries, game, animal welfare and mining regulators, as well as the regulatory practice, policy, research and service areas.
Luke previously led the Portfolio Services and Industry & Rural Policy areas of the former Department of Primary Industries. In each of these roles Luke has led policy development on many of the key issues facing Victoria’s agriculture and forest industries, including productivity growth, land use planning, drought, social licence and other drivers of value and adjustment in Victoria’s rural industries and communities.
Luke has previously worked as an energy and transport access regulator in South Australia, in economic consulting with PricewaterhouseCoopers, in policy analysis with the Commonwealth, and originally as an operational forester in Myrtleford, Victoria as well as Alabama, USA and Nova Scotia, Canada.