Jacinta Blanch
Chief Operating Officer |
Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA), Department of Education |
Alumni Advisory Council & Alumni Ambassador | EFP 2021
VIC, Australia

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Directory update requestJacinta Blanch is currently the Chief Operating Officer at the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA).
Jacinta joined the Department of Education and Training (DET) in 2017 and has overseen a number of priority projects for DET and VSBA to support planning for future schools including the development and launch of findmyschool.vic.gov.au, Victoria’s interactive school zone website, in 2019.
Jacinta has worked across multiple government departments and agencies and has a strong understanding of public sector governance and administration as well as policy design and operational implementation. Jacinta completed ANZSOG’s Executive Fellows Program in 2021.
Jacinta Blanch completed the Executive Fellows Program in 2021 and is a member of ANZSOG’s Alumni Advisory Council. To find out more about the Alumni Advisory Council, click here.