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Directory update requestDr Greet Peersman is currently the Co-Director of the Evidence and Evaluation Hub at ANZSOG. She has more than 30 years’ experience in monitoring, evaluation and research in public health and international development (focus areas include: child protection, civil society, governance, health promotion, health services, HIV/AIDS, human rights, malaria, social change, tuberculosis). She has been the Deputy Director of the BetterEvaluation since 2013, an international collaboration to improve evaluation theory and practice.
Her previous positions include: Senior Evaluation Advisor to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Geneva; Deputy Director for M&E of the Global AIDS Program at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta; Program Director of the Centre for the Evaluation of Health Promotion and Social Interventions (EPPI-Centre) at the University of London, London.
Her areas of expertise are: M&E system strengthening, M&E capacity-strengthening at individual and organizational levels; performance monitoring and reporting; program evaluation of large-scale programs implemented by government or not-for-profits. Dr Peersman has provided M&E support to a range of bi-lateral and multi-lateral agencies, government departments and NGOs in Australia and more than 15 countries around the world.
Dr Peersman has published widely, including global standards and normative guidance for M&E, M&E tools, evaluation reports, systematic reviews and peer-reviewed papers. She is the co-editor and a co-author of the book Using research for effective health promotion [Open University Press, 2001] and Global advances in HIV/AIDS monitoring and evaluation [New Directions for Evaluation 2004: 103].
Selected publications
Peersman. G., Rogers, P., & Herft, N. (in collaboration with IDRC staff). (2016) Program Managers’ Guide to Evaluation [on-line, interactive guidance for commissioning and managing evaluations including support for generating Terms of Reference; http://betterevaluation.org/en/commissioners_guide].
Peersman, G. & Rogers, P. (2016) Addressing equity issues in monitoring and evaluation. In: Evidence and practice in an age of inequality. Development Bulletin 77: 37-42.
Peersman, G., Rogers, P., Guijt, I., Hearn, S., Pasanen, T., & Buffardi, A. (2015). When and how to develop an impact-oriented monitoring and evaluation system. London: Overseas Development Institute & Melbourne: BetterEvaluation.
Peersman, G., Guijt, I., & Pasanen, T. (2015) Evaluability assessment for impact evaluation: Guidance, checklist and decision support. London: Overseas Development Institute & Melbourne: BetterEvaluation.
Peersman, G. (2014). Methodological Brief on Impact Evaluation: Evaluative Criteria. New York: UNICEF.
Peersman, G. (2014). Methodological Brief on Impact Evaluation: Overview of Data Collection and Analysis Methods. New York: UNICEF.
Rogers, P. J., & Peersman, G. (2014). Developing a research agenda for impact evaluation in development. IDS Bulletin, 45(6), 85-99.
Fletcher, G., Peersman, G., Bertrand, W., & Rugg, D. (2014). M&E competencies in support of the AIDS response: A sector-specific example. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 28(3).
Gruskin, S., Ferguson, L., Alfven, T., Rugg, D., & Peersman, G. (2013). Identifying structural barriers to an effective HIV response: using the National Composite Policy Index data to evaluate the human rights, legal and policy environment. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 16.
Laga, M., Rugg, D., Peersman, G., & Ainsworth, M. (2012). Evaluating HIV prevention effectiveness: the perfect as the enemy of the good. Aids, 26(7), 779-783.