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Evelyn Loh

Principal Advisor and Company Secretary


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Evelyn is ANZSOG’s Company Secretary and the Principal Adviser to the Dean & CEO. She brings 20 years of public service experience to the role, working at state, national and international levels with expertise in the governance and public administration.

Before ANZSOG, Evelyn held executive roles in the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, leading corporate governance functions and playing a critical role in reforms to Victoria’s political donations legislation and standards and salaries for Members of Parliament. She also supported the establishment of public entities and machinery of government changes.

Prior to joining the Victorian public service, Evelyn spent more than a decade in the Australian Public Service, working in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Australia’s overseas aid program. This included a posting with the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) Secretariat in Singapore and a period as Executive Officer to the AusAID Director General.

Evelyn holds dress in Law and Arts from Charles Darwin University, and is an ANZSOG Executive Masters of Public Administration alumni through the University of Melbourne.