Debra Lawrance
Executive Voice Coach
Faculty: Expert contributors

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Directory update requestDebra Lawrance is an award-winning actress who graduated from NIDA –1977, and holds a Bachelor degree in Dramatic Art. She has worked continuously in film, theatre and television and is still a working actor. In 2005 Debra started teaching communication skills for the NIDA Corporate Performance Program and discovered a passion for assisting people in the workplace to communicate more effectively. Since 2007 Debra has been working with her own program teaching vocal communication skills to clients from across all sectors of the work force. Debra’s clients include Monash University, Melbourne Business School, NSW RTA (2007 – 2011), a variety of major finance and manufacturing companies and law firms. She also coaches private clients through a consultancy. In her speaking work Debra has also given a number of keynote speeches on the topic of communication.
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Finding your voice
Tuesday, 19 May in Melbourne
Are you struggling with confidence and efficacy during presentations, meetings and in everyday verbal communication in a professional setting?