Dan Croucher
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | Alumni Advisory Council | EMPA 2017
Canberra, Australia

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Directory update requestDan Croucher is currently Director with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. After around 20 years of working in water policy and programs at Director and Senior Executive Service levels, Dan moved into the Energy Efficiency space in September 2024.
As a well-recognised, leadership figure in delivering the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and water recovery, Dan has focussed on working with stakeholders to develop practical solutions to achieve government policy outcomes, while accounting for the insights and needs of stakeholders. Dan has successful established a range of programs that have become key tools in delivering the basin plan including those that deliver multiple beneficial outcomes to regional communities. Dan has held senior roles in the Australian and South Australian Government and has led strategic policy development, major program delivery, asset management, strategic investments and industry development and during this time has led many complex projects with multi-disciplinary teams.
In September 2024, Dan took on the role of Director in the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Program with a focus on market regulation for improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse emissions from everyday products. While this role has very different content, he has applied consistent processes, values and approaches to work with industry to develop regulation options and policies that achieve the strategic policy objectives required, maintain the integrity of the regulation process and requirements and balance the consequences on industry.
Dan is an advocate for developing staff and teams, working in collaboration co-design, formulate and implement policy and projects and enjoys creative problem solving with fresh perspectives and new ideas.
He holds a Diploma in Project Management, a Bachelor of Natural Resources Management, and an Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) completed as part of the 2017 cohort.
Dan graduated from the Executive Master of Public Administration in 2017 and is a member of ANZSOG’s Alumni Advisory Council. To find out more about the Alumni Advisory Council, click here.