In 2005 after 15 years of turbulence and reform initiatives, Papua New Guinea faced serious challenges. A new government had in 1999 instituted changes to the machinery of government through the new Central Agencies Coordinating Committee (CACC). These changes assisted the Prime Minister, Sir Mekere Morautu in his efforts to halt the decline in the country’s economic and social conditions, and were retained when power was transferred to a new government led by Sir Michael Somare in 2002. However by its third year in 2005 the Somare Government had not overcome the difficulties directing the limited resources at its disposal to where they were most needed. There was now a need to find new ways to improve the performance of the agencies delivering essential services in the country’s 19 provinces, but how?
This case gives an overview of the strategic policy making and public sector management in Papua New Guinea to improve performance, particularly service delivery. It could also be used to discuss integrity, the political environment and development.
- Published Date: 9 March 2006
- Author Institution: ANZSOG
- Featured Content Length: 7
- Content Length: 10
- Product Type: One-part case, Primary resources