Nominations open for 2021 Te Hāpai Hāpori Spirit of Service Awards
26 April 2021
● News and media
ANZSOG is delighted to be a sponsor of Aotearoa-New Zealand’s Te Hāpai Hāpori Spirit of Service Awards for 2021 which celebrate outstanding public sector governance, young leaders and initiatives delivering great outcomes and motivated by a spirit of service to the community.
These awards are a chance for agencies across Aotearoa-New Zealand to share the great work that they are delivering to deliver public value and improve lives.
Entries are open now and close on Monday 31 May.
The awards are open to a wide range of organisations across central and local government, including Crown entities, with categories recognising:
public sector Boards and cross-agency governance groups delivering outstanding results
the achievement of better outcomes in areas that matter to New Zealanders
strengthened Māori Crown relationships
service excellence making a real difference to the lives of New Zealanders
inspirational young leaders motivated by a spirit of service, making a difference through t heir work and a role model to others.
In addition, the Prime Minister’s Award/ Te Tohu a te Pirimia for the overall winner of the year is selected from the winners of the Better Outcomes Award, Service Excellence Award, Māori Crown Relationship Award and Leadership in Governance Award. This award is not open for nominations
Entries are welcomed from single agencies or collaborative initiatives, which may include partners outside the public sector.
Entries are invited from:
Central government departments (public service departments, departmental agencies and non- public service departments)
Crown entities, excluding Crown entity subsidiaries, and school boards of trustees
Public Finance Act Schedule 4 Organisations
Offices of Parliament
State-owned enterprises, excluding mixed ownership model companies
Tertiary education institutions in the state sector (universities, polytechnics, wānanga)
Local government organisations, excluding council-controlled organisations.
Last year’s recipients of Te Tohu a te Pirimia Prime Minister’s Award were Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, KiwiRail, the North Canterbury Transport Infrastructure Recovery Alliance and Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura, for their transparent and innovative approach to governance of the hugely complex and challenging work to rebuild and improve Kaikōura’s transport networks devastated by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in 2016.
They introduced one governance structure that also brought in private sector partners. The Board adopted a kaupapa of people first, recognised local iwi as a Treaty of Waitangi partner, integrated the project into the community and focused on results that delivered value for money and openly shared information and risk.
For further information on the 2020 winners click here.